Abstract/Results: | RESULTS:
This mirror gazing procedure termed “psychomanteum” was developed by world well-known psychiatrist Dr. Raymond Moody, which was designed to facilitate reunions with deceased individuals. However, the purpose of the modern psychomanteum tends to be to facilitate reunions; the aim is not usually to seek ESP information about the future. Hypnagogic/hypnopompic imagery is that which occurs during the transition states between wakefulness and sleep and between sleep.
However, the hypnagogic-like imagery could be psi-conductive. The aim of this research project was explore if the psychomanteum is a psi-conducive state of consciousness above chance expectation, and it would be related to an altered state of consciousness. One hundred thirty-three participants (both 95 females and 38 males), were recruited. Each subject received seven questionnaires Pre–psychomanteum Questionnaire, Betts’s Vividness of Imagery Scale, Barrett’s Hallucinations Questionnaire, Neo Personality Inventory –Revised, Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire, Revised Physical Anhedonia Scale and Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory. Two conditions, psychomanteum and non-psychomanteum condition, were performed. Under psychomanteum condition, psi-hitting was obtained (29.2%, notably above chance expected); however, under no-psychomanteum (“control”) condition, 24.6% was obtained. The results differ significantly from mean chance expectation in psychomanteum condition (p= .03) in comparison with no-psychomanteum condition, but no significant differences were found. These interesting results seem to suggest that psychomanteum condition somehow optimizes psi-communication. A number of positive correlations were also found, for instance, subjects who scored higher Auditory (p= .005) and Visual hallucination (p= .008) scores tended to score psi-hitting. Sixty six participats underwent by two type of targets, video-clip (dynamic) and image-picture (no-dynamic), but no significant results were found.