Abstract/Results: | ABSTRACT:
Our aim was to study the impact of a massage protocol on the symptomatology and involvement of mothers and fathers with their preterm offspring admitted in the NICU. The specific goal was to study how the massage interfered in this relationship, as well as with other type of symptomatology, such as depression, anxiety.
We decided to study this subject because in 2005 6,55% (7174) were born with less than 37 weeks and 0,88% (966) with less than 31 weeks; 7,5% (8209) weighed less than 2500g and 0,9% (1012) less than 1550g (INE, 2008), all of which are admitted to the NICU.
20 mothers and 20 fathers that had a preterm baby with less than 34 weeks and/or 1500g admitted to Júlio Dinis Maternity, Oporto Hospital Centre between July 2007 and December 2008.
-EPDS - Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
-STAI - Stait Trait Anxiety Inventory
We assessed them in two stages: in the NICU they were asked for informed consent and given various questionnaires to answer – EPDS, STAI, and Bonding.
A month later they were assessed again, using the same instruments from stage one.
Taking this into consideration that our sample is not yet complete, the gender difference between subjects is not significant [F(3,9)=1,34;p=0,31] and either is the temporal variation between both moments [F(3,9)=1,65;p=0,23]. The interaction between times and gender was also not significant [F(3,9)=1,56;p=0,25], which shows that both men and women behave similarly.
Between the first and second moment there were no significant differences in the STAI [F(1)=1,17;p=0,30], the EPDS [F(1)=3,14;p=0,10], the Bonding [F(1)=2,27;p=0,15] and the RQ [F(1)=3,24;p=0,09]. This also applies to the differences between gender, where STAI [F(1)=1,68;p=0,22], EPDS [F(1)=2,62;p=0,13], Bonding [F(1)=3,10;p=0,10] and RQ [F(1)=1,92;p=0,19] not significant.
Our general our hypothesis was confirmed – over time the depressive and anxious symptoms decrease, although not significantly for now.
The BONDING shows interesting results, while in the women it decreases over time, in the men it increases. This can be explained because of the time the baby in admitted in the NICU.
| Figueiredo, B., & Bianchi Aguiar, M. (2010, March). Massaging premature infants: Effects on mothers and fathers. Poster presented at the XVIIth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Baltimore, MD, USA. Abstract retrieved from http://icis2010.isisweb.org/schedule/searchview2.cfm?author=10512