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BIAL Foundation
DE:"Brain mapping"
Selection Description
Type Title Begin End
DocumentFinal report - Learning orthography in adult life: A magnetoencephalography study2003

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 13/2000
2000 Grants
Start date: 2001-01 - 2014-02
13 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-004
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 8/2000
004 - Mapeamento do córtex envolvido nos processos de descodificação da linguagem oral e escrita em voluntários alfabetizados na infância e voluntários alfabetizados na idade adulta utilizando magnetoencefalografia
Duration: 2000-12 - 2003-10
Alexandre Lemos de Castro Caldas, Maria Vânia da Silva Nunes, Beatriz Dias, Andrew Papanicolau, Thomas Ortiz Alonso, Fernando Maesto
Institution(s): Centro de Estudos Egas Moniz, Lisboa (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
Proposal of rectification of initial project
Language: eng / por
Castro-Caldas, A.
Secondary author(s):
Nunes, M. V., Dias, B., Papanicolau, A., Alonso, T., Maestú, F.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Cognitive processes / Learning / Language / Brain structure and function

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-004.01
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 8/2000
Final report - Learning orthography in adult life: A magnetoencephalography study
Publication year: 2003
Abstract/Results: RESULTS:
Previous work demonstrated that there were differences between literate and illiterate subjects. These differences were found in the performance on several tests and on patterns of activation on PET and fMRI. In the present study subjects that learned to read and to write in adulthood (being previously completely illiterate) were compared with subjects that learned in school in the proper age. Magnetoencephalography was done while subjects were reading words. Results showed that although the reading performance was the same in both groups the pattern of font distribution was different between groups. There were more late fonts in right temporo-parietal areas of recent literate compared to old literate and more late fonts in left inferior frontal cortex in old literate subjects.
It is concluded that learning to read in adulthood is a process supported by different brain structures from the ones used when learning occurs in the proper age. This contributes to the understanding that the same task can be similarly performed relaying on diverse functional brain anatomic networks.
Accessibility: Document exists in file
By permission
Final report presented as an article
Author: Castro-Caldas, A.
Secondary author(s):
Nunes, M. V., Maestú, F., Ortiz, T., Simões, R., Fernandes, R., Campo, P., Fenandez, A., Gonçalves, M., Amo, C.
Document type:
Final report
Number of reproductions:
Indexed document:
Keywords: Illiteracy / Late literacy / Magnetic source imaging / Magnetoencephalography / Language cortex / Brain mapping

Relatório final - Learning orthograpphy in adult life: A magnetoencephalography study

Relatório final - Learning orthograpphy in adult life: A magnetoencephalography study

DocumentLearning orthography in adulthood: a magnetoencephalographic study2009

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 13/2000
2000 Grants
Start date: 2001-01 - 2014-02
13 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-004
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 8/2000
004 - Mapeamento do córtex envolvido nos processos de descodificação da linguagem oral e escrita em voluntários alfabetizados na infância e voluntários alfabetizados na idade adulta utilizando magnetoencefalografia
Duration: 2000-12 - 2003-10
Alexandre Lemos de Castro Caldas, Maria Vânia da Silva Nunes, Beatriz Dias, Andrew Papanicolau, Thomas Ortiz Alonso, Fernando Maesto
Institution(s): Centro de Estudos Egas Moniz, Lisboa (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
Proposal of rectification of initial project
Language: eng / por
Castro-Caldas, A.
Secondary author(s):
Nunes, M. V., Dias, B., Papanicolau, A., Alonso, T., Maestú, F.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Cognitive processes / Learning / Language / Brain structure and function

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-004.02
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 8/2000
Learning orthography in adulthood: a magnetoencephalographic study
Publication year: 2009
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
Previous work demonstrated that there were differences between literate and comparable illiterate adult subjects. These differences were found in the performance on several tests and on patterns of activation on PET and fMRI. In the present study subjects that learned to read and to write in adulthood (being previously completely illiterate) were compared to controls, that is subjects that learned at school at the proper age. Magnetoencephalography was done while subjects were reading words. Results showed that, although the reading performance was the same in both groups while performing the task, the pattern of source distribution was different between groups. There were more late sources in right temporo-parietal areas of late literates compared to controls and more late sources in left inferior frontal cortex in control subjects. It is concluded that learning to read in adulthood is a process supported by different brain structures from the ones used when learning occurs at the proper age. This may suggest that the same task can be similarly performed by relying on diverse functional brain anatomic networks.
Accessibility: Document exists in file
By permission
Castro-Caldas, A.
Secondary author(s):
Nunes, M. V., Maestú, F., Ortiz, T., Simões, R., Fernandes, R., La Guia, E., Garcia, E., Gonçalves, M.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Castro-Caldas, A., Nunes, M. V., Maestu, F., Ortiz, T., Simoes, R., Fernandes, R., . . . Goncalves, M. (2009). Learning orthography in adulthood: A magnetoencephalographic study. Journal of Neuropsychology, 3(1), 17-30.
2-year Impact Factor: 1.140|2009
Times cited: 13|2024-02-05
Indexed document: Yes
Quartile: Q3
Keywords: Illiteracy / Late literacy / Magnetic source imaging / Magnetoencephalography / Language cortex / Brain mapping

Learning orthography in adulthood: a magnetoencephalographic study

Learning orthography in adulthood: a magnetoencephalographic study

DocumentMapeamento do córtex envolvido nos processos de descodificação da linguagem oral e escrita em voluntários alfabetizados na infância e voluntários alfabetizados na idade adulta utilizando magnetoencefalografia [Learning orthograpphy in adult life: A magnetoencephalography study]2004

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 13/2000
2000 Grants
Start date: 2001-01 - 2014-02
13 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-004
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 8/2000
004 - Mapeamento do córtex envolvido nos processos de descodificação da linguagem oral e escrita em voluntários alfabetizados na infância e voluntários alfabetizados na idade adulta utilizando magnetoencefalografia
Duration: 2000-12 - 2003-10
Alexandre Lemos de Castro Caldas, Maria Vânia da Silva Nunes, Beatriz Dias, Andrew Papanicolau, Thomas Ortiz Alonso, Fernando Maesto
Institution(s): Centro de Estudos Egas Moniz, Lisboa (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
Proposal of rectification of initial project
Language: eng / por
Castro-Caldas, A.
Secondary author(s):
Nunes, M. V., Dias, B., Papanicolau, A., Alonso, T., Maestú, F.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Cognitive processes / Learning / Language / Brain structure and function

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2000-004.04
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 8/2000
Mapeamento do córtex envolvido nos processos de descodificação da linguagem oral e escrita em voluntários alfabetizados na infância e voluntários alfabetizados na idade adulta utilizando magnetoencefalografia [Learning orthograpphy in adult life: A magnetoencephalography study]
Publication year: 2004
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
Previous work demonstrated that there were differences between literate and illiterate subjects. These differences were found in the performance on several tests and on patterns of activation on PET and fMRI. In the present study subjects that learned to read and to write in adulthood (being previously completely illiterate) were compared with subjects that learned in school in the proper age. Magnetoencephalography was done while subjects were reading words. Results showed that although the reading performance was the same in both groups the pattern of font distribution was different between groups. There were more late fonts in right temporo-parietal areas of recent literate compared to old literate and more late fonts in left inferior frontal cortex in old literate subjects. It is concluded that learning to read in adulthood is a process supported by different brain structures from the ones used when learning occurs in the proper age. This contributes to the understanding that the same task can be similarly performed relaying on diverse functional brain anatomic networks.
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
Castro-Caldas, A.
Secondary author(s):
Nunes, M. V., Dias, B., Papanicolau, A., Alonso, T., Maestú, F.
Document type:
Conference abstract
Number of reproductions:
Castro-Caldas, A., Nunes, M. V., Dias, B., Papanicolau, A., Alonso, T., & Maestú, F. (2004). Mapeamento do cortéx envolvido nos processos de descodificação da linguagem oral e escrita em voluntários alfabetizados na infância e voluntários alfabetizados na idade adulta utilizando magnetoencefalografia [Learning orthograpphy in adult life: A magnetoencephalography study]. In Aquém e além do cérebro. Behind and beyond the brain. Proceedings of the 5th Symposium of Fundação Bial (p. 289). Porto: Fundação Bial.
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Illiteracy / Late literacy / Magnetic source imaging / Magnetoencephalography / Language cortex / Brain mapping

Learning orthography in adulthood: a magnetoencephalographic study

Learning orthography in adulthood: a magnetoencephalographic study

DocumentReproducibility of a rapid visual brain mapping protocol2009

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 25/2004
2004 Grants
Start date: 2005-01 - 2012-09
25 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004-016
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2004
016 - Perceptual memory in the human visual system
Duration: 2006-02 - 2010-04
Patrícia Margarida Piedade Figueiredo, Mafalda Cavalheiro Gomes Moreira Mendes, Maria Fátima Loureiro da Silva, João Abel Loureiro Marques Xavier, Carlos Gomes
Institution(s): Instituto Biofísico para a Investigação em Luz e Imagem (IBILI), Coimbra (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
Abstracts and posters
Informed consent forms
Review of the final report
Language: eng
Figueiredo, P.
Secondary author(s):
Mendes, M., Silva, M. F., Xavier, J., Gomes, C.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Body structure and function / Vision / Cognitive processes / Memory / Learning / Perception / Biopsychological problems / Diseases/Injuries / Epilepsy

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004-016.05
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2004
Reproducibility of a rapid visual brain mapping protocol
Publication year: 2009
Document exists in file
By permission
Cruz, P.
Secondary author(s):
Teixeira, J., Figueiredo, P.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Cruz, P., Teixeira, J., & Figueiredo, P. (2009). Reproducibility of a rapid visual brain mapping protocol. NeuroImage, 47(Suppl. 1), S63.
Indexed document: Yes
Keywords: Brain mapping / Visual cortex

Reproducibility of a rapid visual brain mapping protocol

Reproducibility of a rapid visual brain mapping protocol

DocumentPrivileged coding of convex shapes in human object-selective cortex2008

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/E
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: Documentation and Information Center
History: Books that are part of the documentation center

Reference code: PT/FB/E/084
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 4/2006
Privileged coding of convex shapes in human object-selective cortex
Publication year: 2008
Número de inventário:
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
What is the neural code for object shape? Despite intensive research, the precise nature of object representations in high-level visual cortex remains elusive. Here we use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to show that convex shapes are encoded in a privileged fashion by human lateral occipital complex (LOC), a region that has been implicated in object recognition. On each trial, two convex or two concave shapes that were either identical or different were presented sequentially. Critically, the convex and concave stimuli were the same except for a binocular disparity change that reversed the figure–ground assignment. The fMRI response in LOC for convex stimuli was higher for different than that for identical shape pairs, indicating sensitivity to differences in convex shape. However, when the same stimuli were seen as concave, the response for different and identical pairs was the same, indicating lower sensitivity to changes in concave shape than convex shape. This pattern was more pronounced in the anterior than that in the posterior portion of LOC. These results suggest that convex contours could be important elements in cortical object representations.
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
Haushofer, J.
Secondary author(s):
Baker, C. L., Livingstone, M., Kanwisher, N.
Document type:
Haushofer, J., Baker, C.L., Livingstone, M., & Kanwisher, N. (2008). Privileged coding of convex shapes in human object-selective cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 100(2), 753–762.
2-year Impact Factor: 3.144|2010
Times cited: 22|2024-02-06
Indexed document: Yes
Quartile: Q1
Keywords: Brain mapping / Shapes / Occipital lobes / Object recognition / Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

DocumentThe role of the insula in intuitive expert bug detection in computer code: an fMRI study2019

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2014
Location: BF-GMS
2014 Grants
Start date: 2015-01

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2014-373
Location: BF-GMS
373 - Multimodal Mapping of Visual Motion Perceptual Decision: Dissecting the Role of Different Motion Integration Areas in Visual Surface Reconstruction
Duration: 2016-02 - 2017-10
Miguel de Sá e Sousa de Castelo Branco, Gabriel Nascimento Ferreira da Costa, Gilberto Silva, João Valente Duarte, Ricardo Martins
Institution(s): ICNAS - Institute for Nuclear Sciences Applied to Health, Coimbra, Portugal; IBILI - Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Life Sciences, Coimbra (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Progress report
Final report
Author: Castelo-Branco, M.
Secondary author(s):
Costa, G., Silva, G., Duarte, J., Martins, R.
Number of reproductions:
Motion perception / Decision-making / Perceptual Ambiguity / Decision Models / Psychophysiology

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2014-373.19
Location: BF-GMS
The role of the insula in intuitive expert bug detection in computer code: an fMRI study
Publication year: 2019
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
Software programming is a complex and relatively recent human activity, involving the integration of mathematical, recursive thinking and language processing. The neural correlates of this recent human activity are still poorly understood. Error monitoring during this type of task, requiring the integration of language, logical symbol manipulation and other mathematical skills, is particularly challenging. We therefore aimed to investigate the neural correlates of decision-making during source code understanding and mental manipulation in professional participants with high expertise. The present fMRI study directly addressed error monitoring during source code comprehension, expert bug detection and decision-making. We used C code, which triggers the same sort of processing irrespective of the native language of the programmer. We discovered a distinct role for the insula in bug monitoring and detection and a novel connectivity pattern that goes beyond the expected activation pattern evoked by source code understanding in semantic language and mathematical processing regions. Importantly, insula activity levels were critically related to the quality of error detection, involving intuition, as signalled by reported initial bug suspicion, prior to final decision and bug detection. Activity in this salience network (SN) region evoked by bug suspicion was predictive of bug detection precision, suggesting that it encodes the quality of the behavioral evidence. Connectivity analysis provided evidence for top-down circuit “reutilization” stemming from anterior cingulate cortex (BA32), a core region in the SN that evolved for complex error monitoring such as required for this type of recent human activity. Cingulate (BA32) and anterolateral (BA10) frontal regions causally modulated decision processes in the insula, which in turn was related to activity of math processing regions in early parietal cortex. In other words, earlier brain regions used during evolution for other functions seem to be reutilized in a top-down manner for a new complex function, in an analogous manner as described for other cultural creations such as reading and literacy.
Accessibility: Document exists in file
Castelhano, J.
Secondary author(s):
Duarte, I. C., Ferreira, C., Durães, J., Madeira, H., Castelo-Branco, M.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Castelhano, J., Duarte, I. C., Ferreira, C., Durães, J., Madeira, H., & Castelo-Branco, M. (2019). The role of the insula in intuitive expert bug detection in computer code: an fMRI study. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 13(3), 623-637.
2-year Impact Factor: 3.391|2019
Times cited: 34|2024-02-12
Indexed document: Yes
Quartile: Q2
Keywords: fMRI / Brain mapping / Insula / Informatics / Error monitoring / Salience network / Computer code understanding

The role of the insula in intuitive expert bug detection in computer code: an fMRI study

The role of the insula in intuitive expert bug detection in computer code: an fMRI study

DocumentThe role of the insula in intuitive expert bug detection in computer code: an fMRI study2019

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2016
Location: BF-GMS
2016 Grants
Start date: 2017-01

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2016-207
Location: BF-GMS
207 - The role of motion adaptation in bottom-up mechanisms of perceptual decision-making
Duration: 2017-11
Miguel Castelo-Branco, João Duarte, Ricardo Martins, Teresa Sousa, Gabriel Costa
Institution(s): Institute for Nuclear Sciences Applied to Health - ICNAS, University of Coimbra (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Research Funding Agreement
Progress report
Author: Castelo-Branco, M.
Secondary author(s):
Duarte, J., Martins, R., Sousa, T., Costa, G.
Number of reproductions:
Adaptation / Neuroimaging / Perceptual decision / Electroencephalogram (EEG) / Psychophysiology

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2016-207.05
Location: BF-GMS
The role of the insula in intuitive expert bug detection in computer code: an fMRI study
Publication year: 2019
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
Software programming is a complex and relatively recent human activity, involving the integration of mathematical, recursive thinking and language processing. The neural correlates of this recent human activity are still poorly understood. Error monitoring during this type of task, requiring the integration of language, logical symbol manipulation and other mathematical skills, is particularly challenging. We therefore aimed to investigate the neural correlates of decision-making during source code understanding and mental manipulation in professional participants with high expertise. The present fMRI study directly addressed error monitoring during source code comprehension, expert bug detection and decision-making. We used C code, which triggers the same sort of processing irrespective of the native language of the programmer. We discovered a distinct role for the insula in bug monitoring and detection and a novel connectivity pattern that goes beyond the expected activation pattern evoked by source code understanding in semantic language and mathematical processing regions. Importantly, insula activity levels were critically related to the quality of error detection, involving intuition, as signalled by reported initial bug suspicion, prior to final decision and bug detection. Activity in this salience network (SN) region evoked by bug suspicion was predictive of bug detection precision, suggesting that it encodes the quality of the behavioral evidence. Connectivity analysis provided evidence for top-down circuit “reutilization” stemming from anterior cingulate cortex (BA32), a core region in the SN that evolved for complex error monitoring such as required for this type of recent human activity. Cingulate (BA32) and anterolateral (BA10) frontal regions causally modulated decision processes in the insula, which in turn was related to activity of math processing regions in early parietal cortex. In other words, earlier brain regions used during evolution for other functions seem to be reutilized in a top-down manner for a new complex function, in an analogous manner as described for other cultural creations such as reading and literacy.
Accessibility: Document exists in file
Castelhano, J.
Secondary author(s):
Duarte, I. C., Ferreira, C., Duraes, J., Madeira, H., Castelo-Branco, M.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Castelhano, J., Duarte, I. C., Ferreira, C., Duraes, J., Madeira, H., & Castelo-Branco, M. (2019). The role of the insula in intuitive expert bug detection in computer code: an fMRI study. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 3(3), 623-637.
2-year Impact Factor: 3.391|2019
Times cited: 34|2024-02-12
Indexed document: Yes
Quartile: Q2
Keywords: fMRI / Brain mapping / Insula / Informatics / Error monitoring / Salience network / Computer code understanding

The role of the insula in intuitive expert bug detection in computer code: an fMRI study

The role of the insula in intuitive expert bug detection in computer code: an fMRI study

File024 - World-relative object motion: How the brain detects object motion while we are moving2021-102024-01

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2020
Location: BF-GMS
2020 Grants
Start date: 2021-01

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2020-024
Location: BF-GMS
024 - World-relative object motion: How the brain detects object motion while we are moving
Duration: 2021-10 - 2024-01
Valentina Sulpizio
Institution(s): IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia, Rome (Italy)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Research Funding Agreement
Progress report
Final report
Language: eng
Sulpizio, V.
Number of reproductions:
Motion perception / Functional magnetic imaging / Area V6 / Brain mapping / Psychophysiology

DocumentNeural sensitivity to translational self- and object-motion velocities2024

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2020
Location: BF-GMS
2020 Grants
Start date: 2021-01

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2020-024
Location: BF-GMS
024 - World-relative object motion: How the brain detects object motion while we are moving
Duration: 2021-10 - 2024-01
Valentina Sulpizio
Institution(s): IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia, Rome (Italy)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Research Funding Agreement
Progress report
Final report
Language: eng
Sulpizio, V.
Number of reproductions:
Motion perception / Functional magnetic imaging / Area V6 / Brain mapping / Psychophysiology

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2020-024.02
Location: BF-GMS
Neural sensitivity to translational self- and object-motion velocities
Publication year: 2024
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
The ability to detect and assess world-relative object-motion is a critical computation performed by the visual system. This computation, however, is greatly complicated by the observer's movements, which generate a global pattern of motion on the observer's retina. How the visual system implements this computation is poorly understood. Since we are potentially able to detect a moving object if its motion differs in velocity (or direction) from the expected optic flow generated by our own motion, here we manipulated the relative motion velocity between the observer and the object within a stationary scene as a strategy to test how the brain accomplishes object-motion detection. Specifically, we tested the neural sensitivity of brain regions that are known to respond to egomotion-compatible visual motion (i.e., egomotion areas: cingulate sulcus visual area, posterior cingulate sulcus area, posterior insular cortex [PIC], V6+, V3A, IPSmot/VIP, and MT+) to a combination of different velocities of visually induced translational self- and object-motion within a virtual scene while participants were instructed to detect object-motion. To this aim, we combined individual surface-based brain mapping, task-evoked activity by functional magnetic resonance imaging, and parametric and representational similarity analyses. We found that all the egomotion regions (except area PIC) responded to all the possible combinations of self- and object-motion and were modulated by the self-motion velocity. Interestingly, we found that, among all the egomotion areas, only MT+, V6+, and V3A were further modulated by object-motion velocities, hence reflecting their possible role in discriminating between distinct velocities of self- and object-motion. We suggest that these egomotion regions may be involved in the complex computation required for detecting scene-relative object-motion during self-motion.
Accessibility: Document exists in file
Sulpizio, V.
Secondary author(s):
von Gal, A., Galati, G., Fattori, P., Galletti, C., Pitzalis, S.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Sulpizio, V., von Gal, A., Galati, G., Fattori, P., Galletti, C., & Pitzalis, S. (2024). Neural sensitivity to translational self- and object-motion velocities. Human Brain Mapping, 45(1), e26571.
2-year Impact Factor: 4.8|2022
Impact factor notes: Impact factor not available yet for 2024
Times cited: 0|2024-02-19
Indexed document: Yes
Quartile: Q1
Keywords: Brain mapping / Flow parsing / Functional magnetic imaging / Motion detection / Optic flow / Vvirtual reality

Neural sensitivity to translational self- and object-motion velocities

Neural sensitivity to translational self- and object-motion velocities