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BIAL Foundation
DE:"Emotion recognition"
Selection Description
Type Title Begin End
DocumentFinal report - Study of emotional perception and affective memory in a sample of normal subjects. Comparison with different clinical populations2007

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 25/2004
2004 Grants
Start date: 2005-01 - 2012-09
25 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004-021
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 14/2004
021 - Study of emotional perception and affective memory in a sample of normal subjects. Comparison with different clinical populations
Duration: 2005-05 - 2007-06
Isabel Pavão Martins, Sílvia Fernandes, Alexandre Mendonça, Manuela Guerreiro
Institution(s): Laboratório de Estudos da Linguagem, Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
Posters and abstracts
Master´s thesis
Language: eng
Martins, I. P.
Secondary author(s):
Marreneca, S., Mendonça, A., Guerreiro, M.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Emotion / Cognitive processes / Memory / Perception / Mental health / Neurodegenerative disorders / Diseases/Injuries

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004-021.01
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 14/2004
Final report - Study of emotional perception and affective memory in a sample of normal subjects. Comparison with different clinical populations
Publication year: 2007
Abstract/Results: RESULTS:
Major outcomes from this study are:
Healthy subjects (N=131) have enhanced memory for positive information compared to neutral and negative information both when analysed short and long term memory. This effect is independent of tested factors (age, education and gender). In what concerns emotion recognition, education positively influences the ability to recognize emotions, both by facial expressions and prosody. Contrarily, ageing negatively influences the recognition of emotional prosody.
The analysis of the clinical populations with focal or diffuse deficits on the limbic system reveals that: after a unilateral Selective Amygdalo-Hipocampectomy for treatment of the epilepsy, patients (N = 35) do not show impairment on emotional processing. Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment (N = 38) and Major Depression
(N = 39) significantly misunderstand neutral faces as sad, and are also impaired in the recognition of emotional prosody. Despite this impairment on emotion recognition both groups of patients have shown a pattern of emotional memory similar to healthy controls, which reveals dissociation between both processes.
These last results are being interpreted with the recently highlights of the overlap of dementia and depression.
Accessibility: Document exists in file
By permission
The final report contains in attachment abstracts and posters presented at conferences
Author: Martins, I. P.
Document type:
Final report
Number of reproductions:
Indexed document:
Keywords: Psychophysiology / Emotion / Memory / Emotion recognition / Mental health / Diseases/Injuries

Final report - Study of emotional perception and affective memory in a sample of normal subjects. Comparison with different clinical populations

Final report - Study of emotional perception and affective memory in a sample of normal subjects. Comparison with different clinical populations

DocumentReconhecimento de emoções e memória emocional em indíviduos saudáveis2005

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 25/2004
2004 Grants
Start date: 2005-01 - 2012-09
25 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004-021
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 14/2004
021 - Study of emotional perception and affective memory in a sample of normal subjects. Comparison with different clinical populations
Duration: 2005-05 - 2007-06
Isabel Pavão Martins, Sílvia Fernandes, Alexandre Mendonça, Manuela Guerreiro
Institution(s): Laboratório de Estudos da Linguagem, Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
Posters and abstracts
Master´s thesis
Language: eng
Martins, I. P.
Secondary author(s):
Marreneca, S., Mendonça, A., Guerreiro, M.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Emotion / Cognitive processes / Memory / Perception / Mental health / Neurodegenerative disorders / Diseases/Injuries

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004-021.03
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 14/2004
Reconhecimento de emoções e memória emocional em indíviduos saudáveis
Publication year: 2005
Abstract/Results: RESUMO:
O processamento da informação emocional inclui o reconhecimento de emoções e a memória emocional e é parte integrante do comportamento humano. O efeito do envelhecimento saudável e da escolaridade no processamento emocional tem sido pouco estudado, apesar de ambos estarem associados a alterações morfológicas e funcionais do Sistema Nervoso Central.
Com este trabalho pretende-se verificar o efeito da idade e da escolaridade no reconhecimento de emoções (faces e prosódia) e na memória emocional em indivíduos saudáveis.
Utilizou-se a versão portuguesa do Comprehensive Affect Testing System para o reconhecimento de emoções, enquanto que a memória emocional foi estudada através de um teste original, constituido por frases negativas, positivas e neutras.
Foram avaliados 131 sujeitos (idade: 20 - 83 anos; escolaridade: 0 - 19 anos). A identificação das expressões faciais não foi influenciado pela idade e pela escolaridade (p>0.05). Na modalidade auditiva, foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os três grupos de idade (p<0.001) e de escolaridade (p<0.001), tendo-se registado um declínio com a idade e um aumento com a escolaridade. No que se refere à memória emocional verificou-se um efeito significativo da valência do estímulo (p=0.002), da idade (p<0.001) e da
escolaridade (p<0.001), não tendo sido no entanto verificadas interacções significativas entre estas duas variáveis e a valência (p>0.05). Verificou-se, nos três grupos de idade e escolaridade, uma maior evocação das frases com valência positiva (p<0.003). Por outro lado, a evocação de frases neutras e negativas não diferiu entre si (p>0.05).
O envelhecimento e a literacia apenas parecem ter consequências ao nível do reconhecimento de emoções através da prosódia. Os resultados obtidos são corentes com uma relativa preservação da amígdala no envelhecimento saudável, fundamental para o reconhecimento de expressões faciais e para a memória emocional. Os resultados obtidos são particularmente importantes para se conhecer o efeito de patologias
associadas ao envelhecimento como o defeito cognitivo ligeiro e/ou demência no processamento emocional.
Accessibility: Document exists in file
By permission
Marreneca, S.
Secondary author(s):
Martins, I. P.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Marreneca, S., & Martins, I. P. (2005). Reconhecimento de emoções e memória emocional em indíviduos saudáveis. Sinapse, 5(2), 85.
Indexed document: Yes
Keywords: Psychophysiology / Emotion / Emotional memory / Emotion recognition / Aging / Scholarity

Reconhecimento de emoções e memória emocional em indíviduos saudáveis

Reconhecimento de emoções e memória emocional em indíviduos saudáveis

DocumentEmotion recognition across the adult life span2006

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 25/2004
2004 Grants
Start date: 2005-01 - 2012-09
25 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004-021
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 14/2004
021 - Study of emotional perception and affective memory in a sample of normal subjects. Comparison with different clinical populations
Duration: 2005-05 - 2007-06
Isabel Pavão Martins, Sílvia Fernandes, Alexandre Mendonça, Manuela Guerreiro
Institution(s): Laboratório de Estudos da Linguagem, Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
Posters and abstracts
Master´s thesis
Language: eng
Martins, I. P.
Secondary author(s):
Marreneca, S., Mendonça, A., Guerreiro, M.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Emotion / Cognitive processes / Memory / Perception / Mental health / Neurodegenerative disorders / Diseases/Injuries

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004-021.04
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 14/2004
Emotion recognition across the adult life span
Publication year: 2006
Document exists in file
By permission
Poster and respective abstract in attachment
Author: Marreneca, S.
Secondary author(s):
Martins, I. P.
Document type:
Unpublished document
Number of reproductions:
Marreneca, S., & Martins, I. P. (2006, May). Emotion recognition across the adult life span. Poster presented at the European Regional Meeting of the International Psychogeriatric Association, Lisbon, Portugal.
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Psychophysiology / Emotion recognition / Emotional prosody / Aging

Emotion recognition across the adult life span

Emotion recognition across the adult life span

DocumentEmotion recognition in mild cognitive impairment2006

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 25/2004
2004 Grants
Start date: 2005-01 - 2012-09
25 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004-021
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 14/2004
021 - Study of emotional perception and affective memory in a sample of normal subjects. Comparison with different clinical populations
Duration: 2005-05 - 2007-06
Isabel Pavão Martins, Sílvia Fernandes, Alexandre Mendonça, Manuela Guerreiro
Institution(s): Laboratório de Estudos da Linguagem, Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
Posters and abstracts
Master´s thesis
Language: eng
Martins, I. P.
Secondary author(s):
Marreneca, S., Mendonça, A., Guerreiro, M.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Emotion / Cognitive processes / Memory / Perception / Mental health / Neurodegenerative disorders / Diseases/Injuries

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004-021.05
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 14/2004
Emotion recognition in mild cognitive impairment
Publication year: 2006
Document exists in file
By permission
Poster and respective abstract in attachment
Author: Marreneca, S.
Secondary author(s):
Martins, I. P., Mendonça, A., Guerreiro, M.
Document type:
Unpublished document
Number of reproductions:
Marreneca, S., Martins, I. P., Mendonça, A., & Guerreiro, M. (2006, October). Emotion recognition in mild cognitive impairment. Poster presented ath the 2nd Meeting of the European Societies of Neuropsychology, Toulouse, France.
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Cognitive impairment / Emotion recognition / Emotional prosody

Emotion recognition in mild cognitive impairment

Emotion recognition in mild cognitive impairment

DocumentStudy of emotional perception and affective memory in a sample of normal subjects. Comparison with different clinical populations2008

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 25/2004
2004 Grants
Start date: 2005-01 - 2012-09
25 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004-021
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 14/2004
021 - Study of emotional perception and affective memory in a sample of normal subjects. Comparison with different clinical populations
Duration: 2005-05 - 2007-06
Isabel Pavão Martins, Sílvia Fernandes, Alexandre Mendonça, Manuela Guerreiro
Institution(s): Laboratório de Estudos da Linguagem, Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
Posters and abstracts
Master´s thesis
Language: eng
Martins, I. P.
Secondary author(s):
Marreneca, S., Mendonça, A., Guerreiro, M.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Emotion / Cognitive processes / Memory / Perception / Mental health / Neurodegenerative disorders / Diseases/Injuries

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2004-021.07
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 14/2004
Study of emotional perception and affective memory in a sample of normal subjects. Comparison with different clinical populations
Publication year: 2008
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
The aims of this project were 1) to analyse emotion recognition and emotional memory in healthy subjects 2) to verify if focal and diffuse lesions of the lymbic system could affect the above functions.
Subjects performed a neuropsychological battery which included tests of emotion recognition (presented through facial expressions and sentence prosody) and an emotional memory test, composed of sentences with positive, neutral and negative content. Performance was compared with repeated measures ANOVA. Emotions were the within-subject factor and group (patients or healthy controls) was the between-subject factor.
Healthy subjects (N=131) have enhanced memory for positive information compared to neutral and negative information both when analysed short and long term memory. This effect is independent of tested factors (age, education and gender). In what concerns emotion recognition, education positively influences the ability to recognize emotions, both by facial expressions and prosody. Contrarily, ageing negatively influences the recognition of emotional prosody.
The analysis of the clinical populations with focal or diffuse deficits on the limbic system reveals that after a unilateral Selective Amygdalo-Hipocampectomy for treatment of the epilepsy, patients (N = 35) do not show impairment on emotional processing. Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment (N = 38) and Major Depression (N = 39) significantly misunderstand neutral faces as sad, and are also impaired in the recognition of emotional prosody. Despite this impairment on emotion recognition both groups of patients have shown a pattern of emotional memory similar to healthy controls, which reveals dissociation between both processes.
Enhancement of memory for positive information was independent of demographic factors and is also spared in disorders that affect the limbic system. This effect should be an essential mechanism for daily living contributing for subject’s motivation. Similarities on emotional processing between MCI and MD are a new discovery and are being interpreted with the recent highlights of the overlap of dementia and depression.
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
Martins, I. P.
Secondary author(s):
Fernandes, S., Mendonça, A., Guerreiro, M.
Document type:
Conference abstract
Number of reproductions:
Martins, I. P., Fernandes, S., Mendonça, A., Guerreiro, M. (2008). Study of emotional perception and affective memory in a sample of normal subjects. Comparison with different clinical populations. In Aquém e além do cérebro. Behind and beyond the brain. Proceedings of the 7th Symposium of Fundação Bial. Porto: Fundação Bial.
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Emotion recognition / Emotional memory / Lymbic system

Study of emotional perception and affective memory in a sample of normal subjects. Comparison with different clinical populations

Study of emotional perception and affective memory in a sample of normal subjects. Comparison with different clinical populations

DocumentFinal report - How do you know what others feel? A psychophysiological study of social cognition and aging2011

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a
2008 Grants
Start date: 2009-01

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-077
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 4/2008
077 - How do you know what others feel? A psychophysiological study of social cognition and aging
Duration: 2009-01 - 2011-02
Sarah MacPherson, Edyta Monika Hunter, Louise H. Phillips
Institution(s): Human Cognitive Neuroscience Research Group, Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh (UK)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress report
Final report
Author: MacPherson, S.
Secondary author(s):
Hunter, E., Philips, L.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Developmental psychology / Cognitive development / Emotion

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-077.01
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 4/2008
Final report - How do you know what others feel? A psychophysiological study of social cognition and aging
Publication year: 2011
Abstract/Results: RESULTS:
In Study 1, the results indicate that older adults benefit from congruent multisensory information in social situations, which is expressed by higher accuracy in cross-modal congruent condition but not in conditions where emotions were presented only in one modality i.e. faces and voice on their own.
The analysis of fixation time looking at facial features in Study 2 revealed that younger and older adults spend a similar amount of time looking at the eyes, mouth and periphery of the face and both groups looked longer at facial features in the incongruent condition than in the congruent condition. Older adults who looked less at the eye and mouth region were better at making matching decisions about congruent stimuli. In contrast, younger adults who looked longer at the facial features, performed better in matching cross-modal congruence than younger adults who spent less time looking at the faces.
The results from Study 3 suggest that older adults performed significantly more poorly than younger adults on both Theory of Mind tasks presented to multiple sensory modalities (video) and a single modality (text).
Accessibility: Document exists in file
By permission
MacPherson, S.
Secondary author(s):
Hunter, E., Philips, L.
Document type:
Final report
Number of reproductions:
Indexed document:
Keywords: Effects of age / Emotion recognition / Eye tracking / Multisensory integration of emotion / Aging

Final report - How do you know what others feel? A psychophysiological study of social cognition and aging

Final report - How do you know what others feel? A psychophysiological study of social cognition and aging

DocumentFace emotion processing in children aged 9–14 years presenting putative antecedents of schizophrenia2010

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 22 /2006
2006 Grants
Start date: 2007-01 - 2013-11
22 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006-035
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 17/2006
035 - Development and genetic correlates of brain function in children at high- and low-risk for developing schizophrenia
Duration: 2008-01 - 2011-07
Kristin Robyn Laurens, Sheilagh Hodgins, Robin M. Murray, Eric A. Taylor, Collier, Sir Michael Rutter
Institution(s): Department of Forensic Mental Health Science, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London (UK)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
5 Articles (under review or published)
1 Book chapter
Language: eng
Laurens, K. R.
Secondary author(s):
Hodgins, S., Murray, R., Taylor, E., Collier, D., Rutter, M.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Developmental psychology / Assessment tools / Biopsychological problems / Mental health / Psychotic disorders

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006-035.10
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 17/2006
Face emotion processing in children aged 9–14 years presenting putative antecedents of schizophrenia
Publication year: 2010
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
Deficits in face emotion processing are observed in individuals with schizophrenia and in “high-risk” young relatives of schizophrenia
patients (Eack et al., 2010, Schizophrenia Bulletin, in press). We recently established a novel questionnaire method of identifying children who present multiple putative antecedents of schizophrenia (ASz) who may bear elevated risk of developing the disorder (Laurens et al., 2007, Schizophrenia Research 90: 130–146). The current study aimed to determine whether ASz children show deficits in face emotion processing compared to typically-developing (TD) children who do not present with the antecedents.
Twenty ASz (6 female, mean age 12 years 3 months) and 33 TD children (17 female, mean age 12 years 7 months) completed the Penn Emotion Recognition Task, comprising 40 colour photographs of happy, sad, angry, scared or neutral emotions presented serially. Participants selected the emotion label that most accurately refl ected the emotion in each displayed face.
Preliminary analyses indicate that, when compared to TD children, ASz children make more emotion recognition errors overall (P =
0.05), over-attribute emotions to neutral faces (P = 0.02), and significantly more often misattribute neutral faces as negative (P = 0.01). The majority of misattributions of neutral faces to negative emotions were due to ASz children mislabelling neutral faces as sad (78%).
Children presenting multiple putative antecedents of schizophrenia show similar face emotion processing deficits to young relatives at familial high-risk for schizophrenia. Only longitudinal followup of ASz children will establish whether these deficits are a potential marker for schizophrenia.
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
Dickson, H.
Secondary author(s):
Calkins, M. E., Kohler, C., Hodgins, S., Laurens, K. R.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Dickson, H., Calkins, M. E., Kohler, C., Hodgins, S., & Laurens, K. R. (2010). Face emotion processing in children aged 9–14 years presenting putative antecedents of schizophrenia. POSTER ABSTRACTS. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 4(Suppl. 1), 45.
Indexed document: Yes
Keywords: Childhood / Antecedents / Schizophrenia / Emotion recognition

Face emotion processing in children aged 9–14 years presenting putative antecedents of schizophrenia

Face emotion processing in children aged 9–14 years presenting putative antecedents of schizophrenia

DocumentSpeaking to the trained ear: Musical expertise enhances the recognition of emotions in speech prosody2011

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a
2008 Grants
Start date: 2009-01

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-029
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2008
029 - Emotional processing from language and music: Comparative neurocognitive and functional neuroimaging studies
Duration: 2009-01 - 2015-09
Maria São Luís Castro, Armando César Ferreira Lima, António José de Bastos Leite, Maria Carolina Lobo Almeida Garrett
Institution(s): Centro de Psicologia da Universidade do Porto, Grupo de Investigação em Linguagem (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress report
Unpublished documents
Written consent forms of participants
Final report
Language: eng
Castro, S. L.
Secondary author(s):
Lima, C. F., Leite, A., Garrett, M. C.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Emotion / Cognitive processes / Language / Perception / Biopsychological problems / Neurodegenerative disorders / Parkinson's disease

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-029.14
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2008
Speaking to the trained ear: Musical expertise enhances the recognition of emotions in speech prosody
Publication year: 2011
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
Language and music are closely related in our minds. Does musical expertise enhance the recognition of emotions in speech prosody? Forty highly trained musicians were compared with 40 musically untrained adults (controls) in the recognition of emotional prosody. For purposes of generalization, the participants were from two age groups, young (18-30 years) and middle adulthood (40-60 years). They were presented with short sentences expressing six emotions-anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise-and neutrality, by prosody alone. In each trial, they performed a forced-choice identification of the expressed emotion (reaction times, RTs, were collected) and an intensity judgment. General intelligence, cognitive control, and personality traits were also assessed. A robust effect of expertise was found: musicians were more accurate than controls, similarly across emotions and age groups. This effect cannot be attributed to socioeducational background, general cognitive or personality characteristics, because these did not differ between musicians and controls; perceived intensity and RTs were also similar in both groups. Furthermore, basic acoustic properties of the stimuli like fundamental frequency and duration were predictive of the participants' responses, and musicians and controls were similarly efficient in using them. Musical expertise was thus associated with cross-domain benefits to emotional prosody. These results indicate that emotional processing in music and in language engages shared resources.
Accessibility: Document exists in file
By permission
Lima, C. F.
Secondary author(s):
Castro, S. L.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Lima, C. F., & Castro, S. L. (2011). Speaking to the trained ear: Musical expertise enhances the recognition of emotions in speech prosody. Emotion, 11(5), 1021-1031.
2-year Impact Factor: 3.875|2011
Times cited: 109|2024-02-01
Indexed document: Yes
Quartile: Q1
Keywords: Speech prosody / Emotion recognition / Musical expertise / Transfer effects

Speaking to the trained ear: Musical expertise enhances the recognition of emotions in speech prosody

Speaking to the trained ear: Musical expertise enhances the recognition of emotions in speech prosody

DocumentEmotion recognition in music changes across the adult life span2011

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a
2008 Grants
Start date: 2009-01

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-029
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2008
029 - Emotional processing from language and music: Comparative neurocognitive and functional neuroimaging studies
Duration: 2009-01 - 2015-09
Maria São Luís Castro, Armando César Ferreira Lima, António José de Bastos Leite, Maria Carolina Lobo Almeida Garrett
Institution(s): Centro de Psicologia da Universidade do Porto, Grupo de Investigação em Linguagem (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress report
Unpublished documents
Written consent forms of participants
Final report
Language: eng
Castro, S. L.
Secondary author(s):
Lima, C. F., Leite, A., Garrett, M. C.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Emotion / Cognitive processes / Language / Perception / Biopsychological problems / Neurodegenerative disorders / Parkinson's disease

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-029.02
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2008
Emotion recognition in music changes across the adult life span
Publication year: 2011
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
In comparison with other modalities, the recognition of emotion in music has received little attention. An unexplored question is whether and how emotion recognition in music changes as a function of ageing. In the present study, healthy adults aged between 17 and 84 years (N=114) judged the magnitude to which a set of musical excerpts (Vieillard et al., 2008) expressed happiness, peacefulness, sadness and fear/threat. The results revealed emotion-specific age-related changes: advancing age was associated with a gradual decrease in responsiveness to sad and scary music from middle age onwards, whereas the recognition of happiness and peacefulness, both positive emotional qualities, remained stable from young adulthood to older age. Additionally, the number of years of music training was associated with more accurate categorisation of the musical emotions examined here. We argue that these findings are consistent with two accounts on how ageing might influence the recognition of emotions: motivational changes towards positivity and, to a lesser extent, selective neuropsychological decline.
Language: eng
Lima, C. F.
Secondary author(s):
Castro, S. L.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Lima, C. F., & Castro, S. L. (2011). Emotion recognition in music changes across the adult life span. Cognition & Emotion, 25(4), 585-598.
2-year Impact Factor: 2.522|2011
Times cited: 45|2024-02-01
Indexed document: Yes
Quartile: Q2
Keywords: Emotion recognition / Musical emotions / Positivity effect / Aging

Novo ficheiro

Novo ficheiro

DocumentRecognizing emotions in spoken language: a validated set of Portuguese sentences and pseudosentences for research on emotional prosody2010

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a
2008 Grants
Start date: 2009-01

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-029
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2008
029 - Emotional processing from language and music: Comparative neurocognitive and functional neuroimaging studies
Duration: 2009-01 - 2015-09
Maria São Luís Castro, Armando César Ferreira Lima, António José de Bastos Leite, Maria Carolina Lobo Almeida Garrett
Institution(s): Centro de Psicologia da Universidade do Porto, Grupo de Investigação em Linguagem (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress report
Unpublished documents
Written consent forms of participants
Final report
Language: eng
Castro, S. L.
Secondary author(s):
Lima, C. F., Leite, A., Garrett, M. C.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Emotion / Cognitive processes / Language / Perception / Biopsychological problems / Neurodegenerative disorders / Parkinson's disease

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-029.04
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2008
Recognizing emotions in spoken language: a validated set of Portuguese sentences and pseudosentences for research on emotional prosody
Publication year: 2010
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
A set of semantically neutral sentences and derived pseudosentences was produced by two native European Portuguese speakers varying emotional prosody in order to portray anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise, and neutrality. Accuracy rates and reaction times in a forced-choice identification of these emotions as well as intensity judgments were collected from 80 participants, and a database was constructed with the utterances reaching satisfactory accuracy (190 sentences and 178 pseudosentences). High accuracy (mean correct of 75% for sentences and 71% for pseudosentences), rapid recognition, and high-intensity judgments were obtained for all the portrayed emotional qualities. Sentences and pseudosentences elicited similar accuracy and intensity rates, but participants responded to pseudosentences faster than they did to sentences. This database is a useful tool for research on emotional prosody, including cross-language studies and studies involving Portuguese-speaking participants, and it may be useful for clinical purposes in the assessment of brain-damaged patients. The database is available for download from
Accessibility: Document exists in file
By permission
Castro, S. L.
Secondary author(s):
Lima, C. F.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Castro, S. L., & Lima, C. F. (2010). Recognizing emotions in spoken language: A validated set of Portuguese sentences and pseudosentences for research on emotional prosody. Behavior Research Methods, 42(1), 74-81.
2-year Impact Factor: 2.403|2010
Times cited: 44|2024-02-05
Indexed document: Yes
Quartile: Q1
Keywords: Emotion recognition / Emotional prosody / Spoken language

Recognizing emotions in spoken language: a validated set of Portuguese sentences and pseudosentences for research on emotional prosody

Recognizing emotions in spoken language: a validated set of Portuguese sentences and pseudosentences for research on emotional prosody

DocumentEmotion recognition in prosody in faster for pseudosentences than for sentences2009

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a
2008 Grants
Start date: 2009-01

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-029
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2008
029 - Emotional processing from language and music: Comparative neurocognitive and functional neuroimaging studies
Duration: 2009-01 - 2015-09
Maria São Luís Castro, Armando César Ferreira Lima, António José de Bastos Leite, Maria Carolina Lobo Almeida Garrett
Institution(s): Centro de Psicologia da Universidade do Porto, Grupo de Investigação em Linguagem (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress report
Unpublished documents
Written consent forms of participants
Final report
Language: eng
Castro, S. L.
Secondary author(s):
Lima, C. F., Leite, A., Garrett, M. C.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Emotion / Cognitive processes / Language / Perception / Biopsychological problems / Neurodegenerative disorders / Parkinson's disease

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-029.05
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2008
Emotion recognition in prosody in faster for pseudosentences than for sentences
Publication year: 2009
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
We compared the recognition of emotions in prosody (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise, and neutrality) for sentences with neutral semantic content and for pseudosentences composed of pseudowords and a few function words. Eighty listeners identified the emotions in a forced choice paradigm, and they also performed intensity judgments. Sentences and pseudosentences elicited similar high accuracy (75% and 71% correct, respectively) and intensity judgments. However, pseudosentences were responded to faster (3,070 msec) than sentences (3,310 msec). The similarity in accuracy and intensity ratings for sentences and pseudosentences indicates that the processing of emotional speech can be performed independently of lexical and semantic content. The longer latencies observed for sentences may reflect the processing cost due to the integration of semantics with prosody. The stimuli devised here constitute a database of Portuguese sentences and pseudosentences for research in emotional prosody.
Accessibility: Document exists in file
By permission
Castro, S. L.
Secondary author(s):
Lima, C. F.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Castro, S. L., & Lima, C. F. (2009, November). Emotion recognition in prosody in faster for pseudo-sentences than for sentences. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of Psychonomic Society, 4, 56.
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Emotion recognition / Emotional prosody / Sentences / Pseudosentences

Novo ficheiro

Novo ficheiro

DocumentDoes emotion perception in music and speech recruit common neurocognitive substrates? A dissociation in Parkinson's disease2011

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a
2008 Grants
Start date: 2009-01

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-029
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2008
029 - Emotional processing from language and music: Comparative neurocognitive and functional neuroimaging studies
Duration: 2009-01 - 2015-09
Maria São Luís Castro, Armando César Ferreira Lima, António José de Bastos Leite, Maria Carolina Lobo Almeida Garrett
Institution(s): Centro de Psicologia da Universidade do Porto, Grupo de Investigação em Linguagem (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress report
Unpublished documents
Written consent forms of participants
Final report
Language: eng
Castro, S. L.
Secondary author(s):
Lima, C. F., Leite, A., Garrett, M. C.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Emotion / Cognitive processes / Language / Perception / Biopsychological problems / Neurodegenerative disorders / Parkinson's disease

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-029.06
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2008
Does emotion perception in music and speech recruit common neurocognitive substrates? A dissociation in Parkinson's disease
Publication year: 2011
Accessibility: Document exists in file
By permission
Lima, C. F.
Secondary author(s):
Garrett, M. C., Castro, S. L.
Document type:
Unpublished document
Number of reproductions:
Lima, C. F., Garrett, M. C., & Castro, S. L. (2011, June). Does emotion perception in music and speech recruit common neurocognitive substrates? A dissociation in Parkinson's disease. Poster presented at the Neurosciences and Music IV (Learning and Memory), Edinburgh, UK.
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Emotion in music / Emotion recognition / Neurocognitive substrates / Parkinson's disease

Novo ficheiro

Novo ficheiro

DocumentO processamento de altura tonal prediz o reconhecimento de emoções em prosódia?2011

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a
2008 Grants
Start date: 2009-01

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-029
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2008
029 - Emotional processing from language and music: Comparative neurocognitive and functional neuroimaging studies
Duration: 2009-01 - 2015-09
Maria São Luís Castro, Armando César Ferreira Lima, António José de Bastos Leite, Maria Carolina Lobo Almeida Garrett
Institution(s): Centro de Psicologia da Universidade do Porto, Grupo de Investigação em Linguagem (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress report
Unpublished documents
Written consent forms of participants
Final report
Language: eng
Castro, S. L.
Secondary author(s):
Lima, C. F., Leite, A., Garrett, M. C.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Emotion / Cognitive processes / Language / Perception / Biopsychological problems / Neurodegenerative disorders / Parkinson's disease

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-029.07
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2008
O processamento de altura tonal prediz o reconhecimento de emoções em prosódia?
Publication year: 2011
Accessibility: Document exists in file
By permission
Carvalho, S.
Secondary author(s):
Lima, C. F., Castro, S. L.
Document type:
Abstract book
Number of reproductions:
Carvalho, S., Lima, C. F., & Castro, S.L. (2011). O processamento de altura tonal prediz o reconhecimento de emoções em prosódia? Abstract book of the 6º Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental, Coimbra, Portugal (p. 27).
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Emotion recognition / Pitch / Musical expertise / Emotional prosody

Novo ficheiro

Novo ficheiro

DocumentMusical expertise and age modulate how we recognize emotions in music2011

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a
2008 Grants
Start date: 2009-01

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-029
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2008
029 - Emotional processing from language and music: Comparative neurocognitive and functional neuroimaging studies
Duration: 2009-01 - 2015-09
Maria São Luís Castro, Armando César Ferreira Lima, António José de Bastos Leite, Maria Carolina Lobo Almeida Garrett
Institution(s): Centro de Psicologia da Universidade do Porto, Grupo de Investigação em Linguagem (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress report
Unpublished documents
Written consent forms of participants
Final report
Language: eng
Castro, S. L.
Secondary author(s):
Lima, C. F., Leite, A., Garrett, M. C.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Emotion / Cognitive processes / Language / Perception / Biopsychological problems / Neurodegenerative disorders / Parkinson's disease

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-029.08
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2008
Musical expertise and age modulate how we recognize emotions in music
Publication year: 2011
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
Listening to music is like going through a landscape that offers multiple views. How are the views on emotions
shaped by two experiential factors, musical expertise proper and age? Forty musicians and forty musically naive persons, in each group half young adults (18-30 years) and half middle-aged adults (40-60 years), listened to music excerpts validated to express happiness, sadness, peacefulness and fear. They rated how much each excerpt expressed these four emotions on 10-point intensity scales. Intended emotions were consistently perceived as more intense than the non-intended ones, but the pattern of judgements differed according to age and musical expertise. Middle age was associated with decreased responsiveness to sadness and fear, whereas responsiveness to happiness and peacefulness remained invariant since young adulthood. Years of musical training correlated with enhanced sensitivity to the intended emotions. Middle-
aged musicians, but not younger ones, were more accurate than musically naive listeners. These effects were independent of domain-general cognitive abilities and personality traits. Mechanisms supporting emotion recognition in music are robust, but also variable: they are shaped by age and musical expertise.
Accessibility: Document exist in file
By permission
Castro, S. L.
Secondary author(s):
Lima, C. F.
Document type:
Abstract book
Number of reproductions:
Castro, S. L., & Lima, C. F. (2011, September). Musical expertise and age modulate how we recognize emotions in music. Abstract book of the 17th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (p. 184). San Sebastian, Spain: ESCOP
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Musical expertise / Age / Emotion recognition / Emotion in music

Novo ficheiro

Novo ficheiro

DocumentEmotion recognition in presymptomatic and symptomatic patients with Huntington's disease2010

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 22 /2006
2006 Grants
Start date: 2007-01 - 2013-11
22 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006-094
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 21/2006
094 - Feedback modulation of visual processing by limbic circuits: A functional connectivity approach to visual face processing
Duration: 2008-01 - 2011-02
Miguel Castelo-Branco, Cristina Januário, Solange Silva, Aldina Reis, Catarina Mateus, Miguel Cordeiro
Institution(s): IBILI - Faculdade de Medicina, Coimbra (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
Language: eng
Castelo-Branco, M.
Secondary author(s):
Januário, C., Silva, S., Mateus, C., Cordeiro, M.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Cognitive processes / Brain structure and function / Emotion / Body structure and function / Vision

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006-094.24
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 21/2006
Emotion recognition in presymptomatic and symptomatic patients with Huntington's disease
Publication year: 2010
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
Huntington's disease (HD) is associated with a loss of the ability to recognize emotions. Recent studies have shown controversial findings regarding a selective impairment for recognition of disgust in presymptomatic HD patients. The current study was aimed at defining the role of visual search behavior in this deficit.
A group of 9 early stage HD patients, 14 presymptomatic HD patients and 21 healthy control subjects were tested. They all did an extensive battery of neuropsychological tests and Huntington's patients were assessed with the UHDRS-motor examination. For the visual tasks, first, we used a forced choice emotion recognition task, in which participants had to indicate whether an image reflected a specific emotion or not. Second, we included a similar emotion recognition task, in which only limited facial information was available to recognize an emotion (i. e. mouth or eye region was masked). These masked tasks were designed to define whether the subject's performance altered when forced to look at a specific component of the face. Finally, a commonly used test of emotion recognition (FEEST) was used, in which participants had to evaluate a face by choosing between six emotions. Each task included the six basic emotion categories: disgust, fear, surprise, anger, sadness and happiness.
Behavioral results demonstrated no difference in the ability to recognize any of the six basic emotions between presymptomatic gene carriers and healthy controls. Thus, the finding that presymptomatic HD patients have a selective impairment of disgust could not be supported. Moreover, an emotion recognition impairment was found in the early stage HD patients for all of the six emotions. Interestingly, even in the masked task conditions, their emotion recognition ability was significantly impaired. This leads to the conclusion that the emotion recognition impairment in symptomatic HD patients is not the result of a deficit in attention guidance to specific features of a face.
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
Júlio, F.
Secondary author(s):
Van Asselen, M., Januário, C., Bobrowicz-Campos, E., Almeida, I., Freire, A., Castelo-Branco, M.
Document type:
Online abstract
Number of reproductions:
Júlio, F., Van Asselen, M., Januário, C., Bobrowicz Campos, E., Almeida, I., Freire, A., & Castelo-Branco, M. (2010, July). Emotion recognition in presymptomatic and symptomatic patients with Huntington's disease. Poster presented at the 7th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Abstract retrieved from
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Huntington's disease / Emotion recognition

Emotion recognition in presymptomatic and symptomatic patients with Huntington's disease

Emotion recognition in presymptomatic and symptomatic patients with Huntington's disease

DocumentFoveal vs. Peripheral emotional cues activate differently the amygdala2010

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 22 /2006
2006 Grants
Start date: 2007-01 - 2013-11
22 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006-094
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 21/2006
094 - Feedback modulation of visual processing by limbic circuits: A functional connectivity approach to visual face processing
Duration: 2008-01 - 2011-02
Miguel Castelo-Branco, Cristina Januário, Solange Silva, Aldina Reis, Catarina Mateus, Miguel Cordeiro
Institution(s): IBILI - Faculdade de Medicina, Coimbra (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
Language: eng
Castelo-Branco, M.
Secondary author(s):
Januário, C., Silva, S., Mateus, C., Cordeiro, M.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Cognitive processes / Brain structure and function / Emotion / Body structure and function / Vision

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006-094.28
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 21/2006
Foveal vs. Peripheral emotional cues activate differently the amygdala
Publication year: 2010
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
Much of relevant information comes from the periphery. The current study aimed to understand whether the network for processing of threatening signals differs when using foveal (0º) and peripheral (7.5º) vision. Four runs of 58 trials each were performed. Both stimulus type (fierce animal faces; non-fierce animal faces; natural displays without animals) and spatial location (central; peripheral left; peripheral right) were manipulated. Importantly, the participants (n=12) were asked to perform different tasks while fixating a cross at the center: they had to report (a) animal recognition (first 2 runs) or (b) detection of threat signals (last two runs) by means of a 2-button (Yes/No) response box. Picture duration was kept short (150 ms) to prevent visual saccades and the eye movements were recorded to ensure central fixation. The inter-trial interval varied randomly (7.5, 10, 12s). We found an inverted pattern for the amygdala (left) activity depending on the task performed: in the animal recognition task, the contrast target vs. control showed increased activation for the periphery but not for central locations; and for the center but not for the periphery in the threat detection task. Both orbitofrontal (OFC) and anterior insula activity was more prominent for the threat detection task. Our results suggest that when the task at hand is directed to threat features detection, the amygdala signals the sensory component and the orbifrontal the value.
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
Almeida, I.
Secondary author(s):
Van Asselen, M., Castelo-Branco, M.
Document type:
Online abstract
Number of reproductions:
Almeida, I., Van Asselen, M., & Castelo-Branco, M. (2010, October). Foveal vs. Peripheral emotional cues activate differently the amygdala. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Eye Tracking, Visual Cognition and Emotion, Lisbon, Portugal. Abstract retrieved from
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Foveal and peripheral vision / Emotion recognition / Threat detection / Faces / Visual cognition

Foveal vs. Peripheral emotional cues activate differently the amygdala

Foveal vs. Peripheral emotional cues activate differently the amygdala

DocumentVisual search patterns during an emotion recognition task in presymptomatic and symptomatic patients with Huntington’s disease2010

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 22 /2006
2006 Grants
Start date: 2007-01 - 2013-11
22 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006-094
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 21/2006
094 - Feedback modulation of visual processing by limbic circuits: A functional connectivity approach to visual face processing
Duration: 2008-01 - 2011-02
Miguel Castelo-Branco, Cristina Januário, Solange Silva, Aldina Reis, Catarina Mateus, Miguel Cordeiro
Institution(s): IBILI - Faculdade de Medicina, Coimbra (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
Language: eng
Castelo-Branco, M.
Secondary author(s):
Januário, C., Silva, S., Mateus, C., Cordeiro, M.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Cognitive processes / Brain structure and function / Emotion / Body structure and function / Vision

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006-094.29
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 21/2006
Visual search patterns during an emotion recognition task in presymptomatic and symptomatic patients with Huntington’s disease
Publication year: 2010
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
Huntington’s disease (HD) is associated with a loss of the ability to recognize emotions. Recent studies have highlighted a controversy regarding a selective impairment for disgust recognition in presymptomatic HD patients. The current study was aimed at further investigating this issue and defining the contribution of visual search behavior to the claimed deficit. 9 early HD patients, 14 presymptomatic patients and 22 controls were tested. The visual tasks included an emotion recognition task, in which subjects had to evaluate one of six basic emotions. Eye movements were recorded during this task. There was also a similar task that offered only limited facial information to recognize an emotion (eyes/mouth). The goal of the masked tasks was to define whether the subject’s performance altered when forced to look at a specific face component. Behavioral results showed no differences in the ability to recognize emotions between gene carriers and controls. Thus, the finding of a specific deficit for recognizing disgust in presymptomatic HD could not be supported. An emotion recognition impairment was found in HD patients for all six emotions, even in the masked conditions. Eye movement data reveals a similar visual scanning strategy for gene carriers and controls. Finally, although patients show a global deficit in face emotion recognition, this impairment is not reflected in their visual search pattern. This suggests that their deficits are not a mere consequence of altered visual search but might be caused by an overall impairment in the perceptual domain.
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
Júlio, F.
Secondary author(s):
Van Asselen, M., Januário, C., Bobrowicz-Campos, E., Almeida, I., Freire, A., Castelo-Branco, M.
Document type:
Online abstract
Number of reproductions:
Júlio, F., Van Asselen, M., Januário, C., Bobrowicz-Campos, E., Almeida, I., Freire, A., & Castelo-Branco, M. (2010, October). Visual search patterns during an emotion recognition task in presymptomatic and symptomatic patients with Huntington’s disease. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Eye Tracking, Visual Cognition and Emotion, Lisbon, Portugal. Abstract retrieved from
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Huntington's disease / Emotion recognition / Eye tracking

Visual search patterns during an emotion recognition task in presymptomatic and symptomatic patients with Huntington’s disease

Visual search patterns during an emotion recognition task in presymptomatic and symptomatic patients with Huntington’s disease

DocumentScanning patterns of faces do not explain impaired emotion recognition in Huntington disease: Evidence for a high level mechanism2012

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 22 /2006
2006 Grants
Start date: 2007-01 - 2013-11
22 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006-073
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 22/2006
073 - The role of the cortico-basal ganglia circuit in learning and memory: From patient studies to functional neuroimaging
Duration: 2008-01 - 2011-09
Marieke van Asselen, Albert Postma, António Freire Gonçalves, Inês Almeida, José Rebola
Institution(s): IBILI - Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
5 Articles
Language: eng
Van Asselen, M.
Secondary author(s):
Postma, A., Gonçalves, A., Almeida, I., Rebola, J.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Brain structure and function / Cognitive processes / Learning / Biopsychological problems / Neurodegenerative disorders / Huntington's disease / Parkinson's disease

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006-073.06
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 22/2006
Scanning patterns of faces do not explain impaired emotion recognition in Huntington disease: Evidence for a high level mechanism
Publication year: 2012
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
In the current study, we aimed to investigate the emotion recognition impairment in Huntington’s disease (HD) patients and define whether this deficit is caused by impaired scanning patterns of the face. To achieve this goal, we recorded eye movements during a two-alternative forced-choice emotion recognition task. HD patients in pre-symptomatic (n=16) and symptomatic (n=9) disease stages were tested and their performance was compared to a control group (n=22). In our emotion recognition task, participants had to indicate whether a face reflected one of six basic emotions. In addition, and in order to define whether emotion recognition was altered when the participants were forced to look at a specific component of the face, we used a second task where only limited facial information was provided (eyes/mouth in partially masked faces). Behavioral results showed no differences in the ability to recognize emotions between pre-symptomatic gene carriers and controls. However, an emotion recognition deficit was found for all six basic emotion categories in early stage HD. Analysis of eye movement patterns showed that patient and controls used similar scanning strategies. Patterns of deficits were similar regardless of whether parts of the faces were masked or not, thereby confirming that selective attention to particular face parts is not underlying the deficits. These results suggest that the emotion recognition deficits in symptomatic HD patients cannot be explained by impaired scanning patterns of faces. Furthermore, no selective deficit for recognition of disgust was found in pre-symptomatic HD patients.
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
Van Asselen, M.
Secondary author(s):
Júlio, F., Januário, C., Bobrowicz-Campos, E., Almeida, I., Cavaco, S., Castelo-Branco, M.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Van Asselen, M., Júlio, F., Januário, C., Bobrowicz-Campos, E., Almeida, I., Cavaco, S., & Castelo-Branco, M. (2012). Scanning patterns of faces do not explain impaired emotion recognition in Huntington disease: Evidence for a high level mechanism. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 31.
2-year Impact Factor: 2.843|2013
Impact factor notes: Impact factor computed since 2013
Times cited: 21|2024-02-01
Indexed document: Yes
Quartile: Q1
Keywords: Huntington's disease / Emotion recognition / Eye movements / Scanning patterns of faces

Scanning patterns of faces do not explain impaired emotion recognition in Huntington disease: Evidence for a high level mechanism

Scanning patterns of faces do not explain impaired emotion recognition in Huntington disease: Evidence for a high level mechanism

DocumentEmotional processing from language and music: Comparative neurocognitive and functional neuroimaging studies2012

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a
2008 Grants
Start date: 2009-01

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-029
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2008
029 - Emotional processing from language and music: Comparative neurocognitive and functional neuroimaging studies
Duration: 2009-01 - 2015-09
Maria São Luís Castro, Armando César Ferreira Lima, António José de Bastos Leite, Maria Carolina Lobo Almeida Garrett
Institution(s): Centro de Psicologia da Universidade do Porto, Grupo de Investigação em Linguagem (Portugal)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress report
Unpublished documents
Written consent forms of participants
Final report
Language: eng
Castro, S. L.
Secondary author(s):
Lima, C. F., Leite, A., Garrett, M. C.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Emotion / Cognitive processes / Language / Perception / Biopsychological problems / Neurodegenerative disorders / Parkinson's disease

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2008-029.09
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 24/2008
Emotional processing from language and music: Comparative neurocognitive and functional neuroimaging studies
Publication year: 2012
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
OBJECTIVES: One of the design features of humans is that we can perceive emotions in spoken language and in music. Here we investigate the neurocognitive mechanisms through which primary emotions such as happiness or fear are recognized in speech prosody and in short musical excerpts, with an emphasis on the question of what is common across domains and what differs.
METHODS AND RESULTS: In Study [1], we developed and validated a database of spoken sentences and pseudo-sentences designed to express by prosody alone anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise and neutrality . In Study [2], we tested younger and older adults in the recognition of two positive and two negative emotions in music; accuracy for happiness and peacefulness remained stable, but accuracy for fear and sadness decreased from middle-age onwards; a serendipitous finding was that music training modulated recognition accuracy. In Study [3], we compared Parkinson’s disease patients with age matched controls in the recognition of the same or equivalent emotions in speech prosody (using materials developed in Study 1) and in music (with materials selected on the basis of Study 2), and found a dissociation between domains:
patients were impaired for positive emotions in music but not in speech, and for sadness in speech but not in music. The impairment for music was not associated with perceptual or cognitive dysfunctions, but the impairment for speech correlated with executive dysfunction. This is evidence that emotion processing in speech prosody and music is probably sustained by partially segregated mechanisms. The role of musical training on emotion recognition was followed up in two further studies where musicians and musically naive listeners were compared. In study [4], we found a cross-domain transfer: musicians recognized emotions in speech more accurately than musically naive listeners. In study [5], we found that musical training was positively correlated with the recognition of emotions in music.
CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION: Taken together, these findings support the view that neurocognitive mechanisms subtending the recognition of emotional expressions are partly shared, and partly segregated, in speech and in music.
Accessibility: Document does exists in file
Castro, S. L.
Secondary author(s):
Lima, C. F., Leite, A., Garrett, M. C.
Document type:
Conference abstract
Number of reproductions:
Castro, S.L., Lima, C.F., Leite, A., Garrett, M. C. (2012). Emotional processing from language and music: Comparative neurocognitive and functional neuroimaging studies. In Aquém e além do cérebro. Behind and beyond the brain. Proceedings of the 9th Symposium of Fundação Bial (p. 15/63). Porto: Fundação Bial.
Indexed document: No
Keywords: Emotion recognition / Speech prosody / Music / Aging / Parkinson's disease

Novo ficheiro

Novo ficheiro

DocumentMisperceptions of facial emotions among youth aged 9-14 years who present multiple antecedents of schizophrenia2014

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 22 /2006
2006 Grants
Start date: 2007-01 - 2013-11
22 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006-035
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 17/2006
035 - Development and genetic correlates of brain function in children at high- and low-risk for developing schizophrenia
Duration: 2008-01 - 2011-07
Kristin Robyn Laurens, Sheilagh Hodgins, Robin M. Murray, Eric A. Taylor, Collier, Sir Michael Rutter
Institution(s): Department of Forensic Mental Health Science, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London (UK)
Contents: Contents:
Bursary agreement
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress reports
Final report
5 Articles (under review or published)
1 Book chapter
Language: eng
Laurens, K. R.
Secondary author(s):
Hodgins, S., Murray, R., Taylor, E., Collier, D., Rutter, M.
Number of reproductions:
Psychophysiology / Developmental psychology / Assessment tools / Biopsychological problems / Mental health / Psychotic disorders

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2006-035.22
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 17/2006
Misperceptions of facial emotions among youth aged 9-14 years who present multiple antecedents of schizophrenia
Publication year: 2014
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
Similar to adults with schizophrenia, youth at high risk for developing schizophrenia present difficulties in recognizing emotions in faces. These difficulties might index vulnerability for schizophrenia and play a role in the development of the illness. Facial emotion recognition (FER) impairments have been implicated in declining social functioning during the prodromal phase of illness and are thus a potential target for early intervention efforts. This study examined 9- to 14-year-old children: 34 children who presented a triad of well-replicated antecedents of schizophrenia (ASz), including motor and/or speech delays, clinically relevant internalizing and/or externalizing problems, and psychotic-like experiences (PLEs), and 34 typically developing (TD) children who presented none of these antecedents. An established FER task (ER40) was used to assess correct recognition of happy, sad, angry, fearful, and neutral expressions, and facial emotion misperception responses were made for each emotion type. Relative to TD children, ASz children presented an overall impairment in FER. Further, ASz children misattributed neutral expressions to face displaying other emotions and also more often mislabeled a neutral expression as sad compared with healthy peers. The inability to accurately discriminate subtle differences in facial emotion and the misinterpretation of neutral expressions as sad may contribute to the initiation and/or persistence of PLEs. Interventions that are effective in teaching adults to recognize emotions in faces could potentially benefit children presenting with antecedents of schizophrenia.
Accessibility: Document exists in file
By permission
Dickson, H.
Secondary author(s):
Calkins, M. E., Kohler, C., Hodgins, S., Laurens, K. R.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Dickson, H., Calkins, M. E., Kohler, C., Hodgins, S., & Laurens, K. R. (2014). Misperceptions of facial emotions among youth aged 9-14 years who present multiple antecedents of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 40(2), 460-468.
2-year Impact Factor: 8.450|2014
Times cited: 18|2024-02-02
Indexed document: Yes
Quartile: Q1
Keywords: Emotion recognition / High-risk / Child and adolescent psychopathology / Social functioning / Psychotic-like experiences

Misperceptions of facial emotions among youth aged 9-14 years who present multiple antecedents of schizophrenia

Misperceptions of facial emotions among youth aged 9-14 years who present multiple antecedents of schizophrenia