Abstract/Results: | ABSTRACT:
Statistical evidence was sought that an anomalous effect might be involved in the ancient Chinese system of divination known as the I Ching. The I Ching user throws three coins, six times, to generate one of 64 possible six-line symbols or hexagrams, and then consults the associated divinatory reading. Previous studies have given some indication that first-hexagram outcomes can be determined in advance of generating the hexagram to a significant degree above MCE (Thalbourne & Storm, submitted). However, participants might not only target first-hexagrams (of which the associated reading is present-focused), but they may also second hexagrams (the associated reading of which is future-focused —second hexagrams are generated from the first hexagram). It is theorised that hexagram targeting may accord with the participant’s time perspective. A present time perspective (PTP) refers to immediate events, whereas a future time perspective (FTP) refers to fate and what it has in store. PTP and FTP types are determined from scores on the Time Perspective Inventory (Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999). Since intuitive types are said to be future-oriented (i.e., typically looking for the possibilities or future state of things), it is hypothesized that (i) there are relationships between time-perspective and Intuiting using the Singer-Loomis Type Deployment Inventory (Singer & Loomis, 1996). It is also hypothesised that (ii) hexagram hit-rates are above MCE, (iii) time perspective determines a participant’s influence on hexagram outcomes (i.e., PTP types hit more often on first-hexagrams than FTP types who hit more often on second hexagrams), and (iv) intuition predicts hexagram outcomes. There were significant relationships between PTP scores and (a) extraverted intuiting (EN), and (b) introverted intuiting (IN). There was a significant relationship between FTP scores and IN. Hit-rates were significantly (or marginally significantly) above chance on the I Ching measures—first-hexagram hit-rate (N = 180), P = .26, where PMCE = .25 (p = .067); secondhexagram hit-rate (first-hexagram hitters only: n = 38), P = .34, where PMCE = .238 (p = .048); and second-hexagram hit-rate (first-hexagram missers only: n = 100), P = .29, where PMCE = .254 (p = .063). PTP types did hit more often on first-hexagrams (27.2%) compared to FTP types (22.7%), whereas FTP types did hit more often on second-hexagrams (32.7%) compared to PTP types (29.2%)—the differences were not significant. Neither IN nor EN correlated significantly with hexagram outcomes.