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BIAL Foundation
DE:"Traumatic memories"
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DocumentFinal report - Estudo electroencefalográfico em estados ampliados de consciência induzidos pela terapia regressiva vivencial Peres 2000

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1996
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 8/1996
1996 Grants
Start date: 1997-01 - 2005-05
8 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1996-009
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 3/1996
009 - Estudo electroencefalográfico em estados ampliados de consciência induzidos pela terapia regressiva vivencial Peres
Duration: 1997-01 - 2000-04
Maria Julia Prieto Peres, Ivana Prates de Oliveira, Joana El-Afiouni, Juliane Prieto Peres, Dionísio Azevedo Jr.
Institution(s): Instituto Nacional de Terapia de Vivências Passadas de São Paulo (Brazil)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Final report
Language: por
Related objects:
Author: Peres, M.
Secondary author(s):
Oliveira, I., El-Afiouni, J., Peres, J. P., Azevedo Jr., A.
Number of reproductions:
Parapsychology and Psychophysiology / Intervention / Altered states of consciousness

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-1996-009.01
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 3/1996
Final report - Estudo electroencefalográfico em estados ampliados de consciência induzidos pela terapia regressiva vivencial Peres
Publication year: 2000
Abstract/Results: RESULTS:
Traumatic memories are frequently associated with psychogenic symptoms and to the origin of belief systems responsible for dysfunctional behavior patterns. It is advisable, when treating sufferers of traumatic memories, to make use of procedures based on assisted therapeutic exposure, with the objective of not only removing the feeling of extreme vulnerability, but also rebuilding the basic beliefs acquired during the traumatic event.
This study examined whether quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) could descry differences in brain function in sufferers of traumatic memories submitted to a standardized psychotherapeutic session which includes relaxation, retrieval of traumatic memory, conscience of automatic thoughts & emotion, cognitive redecision and finalization.
Electroencephalograms (20-channel) were recorded from 20 patients with recurrent traumatic memories (accident, sexual violence and robbery) acting as determinants for the affected behavioral patterns. QEEG recordings were performed during the course of the psychotherapeutic session and the data were compared to the baseline condition. Both absolute and relative amplitudes were simultaneously analyzed at delta (0,5 –3,9 Hz), theta (4-7,9 Hz), alpha (8-11,9 Hz) and beta (12-18 Hz) frequencies.
The present study showed significant changes in the cerebral electrobiogenesis associated with the retrieval and reconstruction of traumatic memories during the standardized psychotherapy session. It is assumed from the electroencephalographic findings that the psychotherapeutic approach applied conducts the individual through consistent neurophysiologic changes that suggest amplified states of consciousness, which facilitate the psychotherapeutic process.
Accessibility: Document exists in file
By permission
Peres, M.
Secondary author(s):
Peres, M. P., Peres, J. F., Simão, M., Peres, J. P.
Document type:
Final report
Number of reproductions:
Indexed document:
Keywords: Parapsychology and Psychophysiology / Intervention / Traumatic memories / Altered states of consciousness

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Novo ficheiro

DocumentFinal report - Psiconeurofisiologia comparativa entre as memórias traumáticas de vida actual e as memórias traumáticas de supostas vidas passadas: SPECT cerebral em 20 pacientes submetidos à Terapia Regressiva Vivencial Peres2007

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2002
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 21/2002
2002 Grants
Start date: 2003-01 - 2009-11
21 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2002-117
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 19/2002
117 - Psiconeurofisiologia comparativa entre as memórias traumáticas de vida actual e as memórias traumáticas de supostas vidas passadas: SPECT cerebral em 20 pacientes submetidos à Terapia Regressiva Vivencial Peres
Duration: 2003-01 - 2008-03
Maria Júlia Prieto Peres, Júlio Prieto Peres, Regis Cavini Ferreira, Vivian Pires de Albuquerque
Institution(s): Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa e Terapia Regressiva Vivencial Peres, São Paulo (Brazil)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress report
Final report
Language: por
Related objects:
Author: Peres, M.
Secondary author(s):
Peres, J. F., Ferreira, R., Albuquerque, V.
Number of reproductions:
Parapsychology and Psychophysiology / Survival after bodily death / Past-life regression / Brain structure and function / Cognitive processes / Memory / Biopsychological problems / Mental health / Anxiety disorders / Intervention

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2002-117.01
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 19/2002
Final report - Psiconeurofisiologia comparativa entre as memórias traumáticas de vida actual e as memórias traumáticas de supostas vidas passadas: SPECT cerebral em 20 pacientes submetidos à Terapia Regressiva Vivencial Peres
Publication year: 2007
Abstract/Results: RESULTS:
Many studies have pointed out that the brain does not really store emotional or traumatic memories, but stores traces of information that are later used to create memories. The psychopathological signs of trauma are not static along a time-line and neither is the expression of traumatic memories. The psychotherapeutic method Terapia Reestruturativa Vivencial Peres (TRVP) integrates tools of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Altered State of Consciousness to help the patient restructure emotionally and cognitively traumatic events. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare changes in cerebral blood flow of patients during the retrieval of traumatic memories of present life and traumatic memories of supposed previous lives by using a script-driven symptom provocation paradigm adapted to Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT). Twenty patients with partial post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were examined by means of brain SPECT (99Tc-ECD). ROIs were used to semi-quantify flow. Values were generated for each ROI and normalized to the average whole brain activity and a Statistical Parametric Mapping was used for data analyses.
The comparison between the baseline condition (relaxation) and the traumatic memories of present life showed significant attenuation of activity in the pre-frontal cortex
(X=±10, Y=+36, Z=-15 p<0.001), and left hippocampus (X=-32, Y=-9, Z=-15
p<0.001), as well as increase of activity in the left amygdale (X=-17, Y=-6, Z=-23
p<0.001). The comparison between the baseline condition and the traumatic memories from supposed previous life showed the same neural reciprocities. The third comparison between the traumatic memories of present life and the traumatic memories from supposed previous life, did not reach significance. These findings suggest that fantasy, false memories and confabulation are distinct cognitive processes of traumatic
memories of supposed previous lives, and neural mechanisms involved in these processes may share neural similarities with those underlying the fragmented and nonverbal nature of traumatic memories in partial PTSD.
Accessibility: Document exists in file
Peres, M.
Secondary author(s):
Peres, J., Ferreira, R., Albuquerque, V.
Document type:
Final report
Number of reproductions:
Indexed document:
Keywords: Parapsychology / Anomalous cognition / Traumatic memories / Terapia Reestrutrativa Vivencial Peres / Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

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DocumentCerebral blood changes during retrieval of traumatic memories before and after psychotherapy2007

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2002
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 21/2002
2002 Grants
Start date: 2003-01 - 2009-11
21 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2002-117
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 19/2002
117 - Psiconeurofisiologia comparativa entre as memórias traumáticas de vida actual e as memórias traumáticas de supostas vidas passadas: SPECT cerebral em 20 pacientes submetidos à Terapia Regressiva Vivencial Peres
Duration: 2003-01 - 2008-03
Maria Júlia Prieto Peres, Júlio Prieto Peres, Regis Cavini Ferreira, Vivian Pires de Albuquerque
Institution(s): Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa e Terapia Regressiva Vivencial Peres, São Paulo (Brazil)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress report
Final report
Language: por
Related objects:
Author: Peres, M.
Secondary author(s):
Peres, J. F., Ferreira, R., Albuquerque, V.
Number of reproductions:
Parapsychology and Psychophysiology / Survival after bodily death / Past-life regression / Brain structure and function / Cognitive processes / Memory / Biopsychological problems / Mental health / Anxiety disorders / Intervention

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2002-117.02
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 19/2002
Cerebral blood changes during retrieval of traumatic memories before and after psychotherapy
Publication year: 2007
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
Background - Traumatic memory is a key symptom in psychological trauma victims and may remain vivid for several years. Psychotherapy has shown that neither the psychopathological signs of trauma nor the expression of traumatic memories are static over time. However, few studies have investigated the neural substrates of psychotherapy-related symptom changes.
Method - We studied 16 subthreshold post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) subjects by using a script-driven symptom provocation paradigm adapted for single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) that was read aloud during traumatic memory retrieval both before and after exposure-based and cognitive restructuring therapy. Their neural activity levels were compared with a control group comprising 11 waiting-list subthreshold PTSD patients, who were age- and profile-matched with the psychotherapy group.
Results - Significantly higher activity was observed in the parietal lobes, left hippocampus, thalamus and left prefrontal cortex during memory retrieval after psychotherapy. Positive correlations were found between activity changes in the left prefrontal cortex and left thalamus, and also between the left prefrontal cortex and left parietal lobe.
Conclusions - Neural mechanisms involved in subthreshold PTSD may share neural similarities with those underlying the fragmented and non-verbal nature of traumatic memories in full PTSD. Moreover, psychotherapy may influence the development of a narrative pattern overlaying the declarative memory neural substrates.
Accessibility: Document exists in file
By permission
Peres, J. F.
Secondary author(s):
Newberg, A. B., Mercante, J. P., Simão, M., Albuquerque, V., Peres, M., Nasello, A. G.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Peres, J. F., Newberg, A. B., Mercante, J. P., Simão, M., Albuquerque, V., Peres, M., Nasello, A. G. (2007). Cerebral blood changes during retrieval of traumatic memories before and after psychotherapy. Psychological Medicine, 37(10), 1481-1491.
2-year Impact Factor: 4.212|2007
Times cited: 82|2025-02-04
Indexed document: Yes
Quartile: Q1
Keywords: Parapsychology / Traumatic memories / Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

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DocumentTraumatic memories: bridging the gap between functional neuroimaging and psychotherapy2008

Reference code: PT/FB
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Location: S. Mamede do Coronado
BIAL Foundation Archive
Start date: 1994
The BIAL Foundation was created in 1994 by Laboratórios BIAL in conjunction with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities. BIAL’s Foundation mission is to foster the scientific study of Man from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Along the years the BIAL Foundation has developed an important relationship with the scientific community, first in Portugal and after worldwide. Today it is an institution of reference which aims to stimulate new researches that may help people, promote more health and contribute to new milestones to gain access to knowledge.
Among its activities the BIAL Foundation manages the BIAL Award, created in 1984, one of the most important awards in the Health field in Europe. The BIAL Award rewards both the basic and the clinical research distinguishing works of major impact in medical research.
The BIAL Foundation also assigns Scientific Research Scholarships for the study of neurophysiological and mental health in people, arousing the interest of researchers in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
To date the BIAL Foundation has supported 461 projects, more than 1000 researchers, with research groups in twenty-seven countries, resulting, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, out of which 172 published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Since 1996 the BIAL Foundation organizes the Symposia entitled "Behind and Beyond the Brain", a Forum that gathers well renowned neurosciences speakers and the BIAL Foundation Fellows which are spread around the world.
Classified as an institution of public utility, the BIAL Foundation includes among its patrons the Portuguese President, the Portuguese Universities Rectors' Council and the Portuguese Medical Association.
Accessibility: By permission

Reference code: PT/FB/BL
Entity holding: BIAL Foundation
Title: BIAL Grants
Start date: 1994
In 1994 the BIAL Foundation launched a programme of science research grants with the aim of encouraging the research into Man’s physical and mental processes, namely in fields still largely unexplored but which warrant further scientific analysis, as Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Since its launch, applications to the BIAL grants have been increasing. Up to now 461 projects have been supported, involving more than 1000 researchers from 27 countries.
The approved applications have benefited from grants in amounts comprised between €5,000 and €50, 000. The amount to be granted is fixed by the Scientific board according to the needs of each project.
The supported projects have originated, until April 2013, in about 600 full papers, 172 out of which were published in indexed international journals with an average impact factor of 3.6 and a substantial number of citations (1665).
Among the BIAL Foundation fellows is worth highlighting the presence of scientists from prestigious universities from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, and many others.
The BIAL grants are promoted biannually.

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2002
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pastas 1 a 21/2002
2002 Grants
Start date: 2003-01 - 2009-11
21 caixas de arquivo

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2002-117
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 19/2002
117 - Psiconeurofisiologia comparativa entre as memórias traumáticas de vida actual e as memórias traumáticas de supostas vidas passadas: SPECT cerebral em 20 pacientes submetidos à Terapia Regressiva Vivencial Peres
Duration: 2003-01 - 2008-03
Maria Júlia Prieto Peres, Júlio Prieto Peres, Regis Cavini Ferreira, Vivian Pires de Albuquerque
Institution(s): Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa e Terapia Regressiva Vivencial Peres, São Paulo (Brazil)
Contents: Contents:
Application form
Financial report and expenditure documents
Progress report
Final report
Language: por
Related objects:
Author: Peres, M.
Secondary author(s):
Peres, J. F., Ferreira, R., Albuquerque, V.
Number of reproductions:
Parapsychology and Psychophysiology / Survival after bodily death / Past-life regression / Brain structure and function / Cognitive processes / Memory / Biopsychological problems / Mental health / Anxiety disorders / Intervention

Reference code: PT/FB/BL-2002-117.05
Location: Arquivo PCA - Pasta 19/2002
Traumatic memories: bridging the gap between functional neuroimaging and psychotherapy
Publication year: 2008
Abstract/Results: ABSTRACT:
Objective - Neuroimaging studies have highlighted important issues related to structural and functional brain changes found in sufferers of psychological trauma that may influence their ability to synthesize, categorize, and integrate traumatic memories.
Methods - Literature review and critical analysis and synthesis.
Results - Traumatic memories are diagnostic symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the dual representation theory posits separate memory systems subserving vivid re-experiencing (non-hippocampally dependent) versus declarative autobiographical memories of trauma (hippocampally dependent). But the psychopathological signs of trauma are not static over time, nor is the expression of traumatic memories. Multiple memory systems are activated simultaneously and in parallel on various occasions. Neural circuitry interaction is a crucial aspect in the development of a psychotherapeutic approach that may favour an integrative translation of the sensory fragments of the traumatic memory into a declarative memory system.
Conclusion - The relationship between neuroimaging findings and psychological approaches is discussed for greater efficacy in the treatment of psychologically traumatized patients.
Accessibility: Document does not exist in file
By permission
Peres, J. F.
Secondary author(s):
McFarlane, A., Nasello, A. G., Moores, K.
Document type:
Number of reproductions:
Peres, J. F., McFarlane, A., Nasello, A. G., & Moores, K. (2008). Traumatic memories: bridging the gap between functional neuroimaging and psychotherapy. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 42(6), 478-488.
2-year Impact Factor: 2.318|2008
Times cited: 22|2025-02-04
Indexed document: Yes
Quartile: Q3
Keywords: Multiple memory systems / Neuroimaging / Neuroscience / Psychotherapy / Traumatic memories