Reference code: | NDE-67 |
Location: | Arquivo PCA - Pasta 1/Outros Apoios
| Behavioral and electrophysiological effects of network-based frontoparietal tDCS in patients with severe brain injury: A randomized controlled trial
Publication year: | 2020
Abstract/Results: | ABSTRACT:
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) may promote the recovery of severely brain-injured patients with disorders of consciousness (DOC). Prior tDCS studies targeted single brain regions rather than brain networks critical for consciousness recovery.
Investigate the behavioral and electrophysiological effects of multifocal tDCS applied over the frontoparietal external awareness network in patients with chronic acquired DOC.
Forty-six patients were included in this randomized double-blind sham-controlled crossover trial (median [interquartile range]: 46 [35 - 59] years old; 12 [5 - 47] months post injury; 17 unresponsive wakefulness syndrome, 23 minimally conscious state (MCS) and 6 emerged from the MCS). Multifocal tDCS was applied for 20 min using 4 anodes and 4 cathodes with 1 mA per electrode. Coma Recovery Scale-Revised (CRS-R) assessment and 10 min of resting state electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings were acquired before and after the active and sham sessions.
At the group level, there was no tDCS behavioral treatment effect. However, following active tDCS, the EEG complexity significantly increased in low frequency bands (1-8 Hz). CRS-R total score improvement was associated with decreased baseline complexity in those bands. At the individual level, after active tDCS, new behaviors consistent with conscious awareness emerged in 5 patients. Conversely, 3 patients lost behaviors consistent with conscious awareness.
The behavioral effect of multifocal frontoparietal tDCS varies across patients with DOC. Electrophysiological changes were observed in low frequency bands but not translated into behavioral changes at the group level.
Accessibility: | Document exists in file
| eng
| Martens, G.
Secondary author(s):
| Kroupi, E., Bodien, Y., Frasso, G., Annen, J., Cassol, H., Barra, A., Martial, C., Gosseries, O., Lejeune, N., Soria-Frisch, A., Ruffini, G., Laureys, S., Thibaut, A.
Document type:
| Article
Number of reproductions:
| 3
| 5
| Martens, G., Kroupi, E., Bodien, Y., Frasso, G., Annen, J., Cassol, H., Barra, A., ... Thibaut, A. (2020). Behavioral and electrophysiological effects of network-based frontoparietal tDCS in patients with severe brain injury: A randomized controlled trial. NeuroImage: Clinical, 28: 102426.
2-year Impact Factor: | 4.881|2020
Times cited: | 21|2024-02-13
Indexed document: | Yes
Quartile: | Q2
Keywords: | TDCS / Network / Minimally conscious state / Unresponsive wakefulness syndrome / EEG / Consciousness
Behavioral and electrophysiological effects of network-based frontoparietal tDCS in patients with severe brain injury: A randomized controlled trial |