Contents: | RESULTS:
Over two thirds of the sample (N= 432) reported telepathy experiences, ESP dreams, out-of-body experiences, and many forms of spiritual contacts. Two thirds indicated that their experiences had been conflictive, although also indicated never to have consulted. Those who did, pointed out that relatives and friends were the persons most consulted. We compared them with a sample of students (N= 392) using the t test. An average significantly greater of experiences in our sample than the one for the students (Mean= 6.12 vs. 3.19, pdif <.0001). We also found that they felt more spiritual than that of the students (U of Mann-Whitney, p <.0001, one tail), but that it does not influence the experiences in our sample. The students’ spirituality correlates positively and significantly with the report of experiences such as perception of lights/energies, and out-of-body experiences (p<.0001).
The emotional reactions towards anomalous experiences was explored in two studies using sub-sample of the first sample. The first one, three third parts (N= 32) put emphasis on many types of fear. Wonder, perplexity, well-being, and anxiety also were reported. The score of conflictivity decreased significantly (4.85 to 1.70). The group activity enhanced their personal or spiritual development, others found a new meaning for their psi experiences, or feeling emotionally better, better interpersonal relationships, and new meaning in their life. The second one reports the results of psychometric tests. The results did not indicate abnormal traits nor dissociation. The sample is emotionally stable and introverted. As sample, they obtained a high-scored schizophrenia and hypochodriasis (code 8-1) and maniacal over schyzoids defense mechanisms.