Abstract/Results: | RESULTS:
Research about “psi” relations between humans and animals has been done to find out changes of animal behaviour and the types of beliefs associated with it. There isn’t any study describing regional differences. For this purpose, we used in Portugal the same questionnaire of Sheldrake and Pamela (PSYCHIC PETS), with 1014 individuals originated from five different regions. In our study we didn’t confirm many questions reported by Sheldrake et al. The most important result of our investigation shows that a majority of individuals with pets recognise that animals know they’re going to leave home before showing some psychical sign they’re going (question 5). Second, there are regional differences, and the telepathy as psychic experience has been less related than in previous investigations. The majority of the 536 individuals with pets, [264 (49, 3%)] agree with question 5, against 186 (34, 7%) who disagree. The remaining 86 (16%) individuals don’t know. When we analyse the data by region, in Lisbon the majority of people agree 66 (55%), on the coastlyne the majority [77 (44, 3%)] disagree (p<0,001).
In question 3, among those who don’t noticed the pet getting agitated before a family member has arrived home, predominate those who don’t agree on Q5 or Q6 (X2=261,626, df = 4, p = 0.000. Eta(Q5)= 0,60. Eta(Q6)= 0,67. Cramer’s V = 0.65). But, those who noticed in Q3, agree at the same time that the animal knows someone is going out before showing any physical signs of doing so (Q5) (X2 = 65,254, df = 4, p = 0.000, Eta(Q5) = 0,40, Eta(Q6) = 0,44 Cramer’s V = 0.39), and agree that the animals respond to their own thoughts or silent command (Q6) (X2 = 16,000, df =2, p = 0.000, Eta(Q5 )=0,90 Eta(Q6) =1,00, Cramer’s V = 1.00).