Abstract/Results: | RESULTS:
A questionnaire survey was administered to 92 participants, containing, in order, the Boundary Questionnaire, the Rasch Mystical Experience Scale, and the Transhumanation Scale, which were incidentally found to correlate together positively and significantly. A subgroup of these participants (N = 71) also underwent an experiment in exosomatic psychopraxia (a.k.a. psi) carried out using a random number generator (RNG). The RNG was so set up that there were 100 binary trials in each run, and 50 runs per session, of which just one was given, yielding a psychopractic measure called “scoresum”. Scoresum did not correlate significantly with transhumanation or its four subscales (mystical experience [6 items], paranormal experience, World of Spirit, or Kundalini), mystical experience [19 items], thin boundaries, age, sex, a pro attitude scale, perceived complexity, or perceived difficulty. A composite personality measure was formed: participants in group 1 (N = 20) were high in transhumanation, reported mystical experience and had “thin” boundaries; participants in Group 3 (N = 20) were low in transhumanation, reported little mystical experience and had “thick” boundaries; Group 2 (N = 31) consisted of all those participants with mixed scores and who thus did not fall into either of the above two groups. Parapsychological results were suggestively rather than definitely significant, in regard to the differences between scoresum for Groups 1 and 3, and various position effects. In contrast, with regard to purely psychological analyses, there was a large number of significant and meaningful results.