Abstract/Results: | ABSTRACT:
To test the hypothesis that meditation attainment correlates with psi and to explore the possibility that some meditation techniques facilitate this.
1) Tibetan Psychic Beliefs - People from various Tibetan psychic disciplines were interviewed.
2) Yogic Attainment in Relation to Precognition - In two studies, 3 levels of yoga practitioners, students (ST),
sanyassins (SN) and swamis (SW), meditated, followed by an awareness period in which they aimed to
precognitively perceive a video clip.
3) Tibetan Buddhists’ Meditation Attainment in Relation to Psi - 18 participants, Tibetan monks, Western Buddhist students and a nun, completed 8 sessions each, of meditation followed by psi awareness of a static target picture.
4) Tibetan Meditation Techniques in Relation to Precognition - 10 Tibetan monks, who had meditated for 5 years minimum, completed 8 sessions each: 4 visualisation, and 4 mantra. A Tibetan Stroop test assessed distractibility.
1) Tibetan psi traditions incorporate oracles, Mo divination, conscious reincarnation, astrology and attainment of psi abilities through meditation.
2) In the ashram studies, in 2003, with those who completed at least 3 sessions, SW scored significantly better than SN and ST.
3) Age and years of Buddhist meditation practice correlated significantly with psi. This is confounded by psi-missing from 3 monks who reported that, as children, they had previous-life memories.
4) Overall, the Lamas scored significantly. There was no significant difference between mantra versus visualization sessions.
These studies support the Yogic and Buddhist teachings that psi abilities arise as a result of meditation attainment. This conclusion is qualified by the psi-missing.
Roney-Dougal, S.M. (2006). Taboo and Belief in Tibetan Psychic Tradition, J. Soc. Psych. Res., 70(4), 193-210.; Roney – Dougal, S.M. & Solfvin, J. (2006). Yogic Attainment in Relation to Awareness of Precognitive Targets, J. Parapsych., 70(1), 91-120.; (in prep.) Two Tibetan Meditation Techniques in Relation to Psi. Roney-Dougal, S.M., Solfvin, J. & Fox, J. (submitted). Tibetan Buddhists’.Meditation Attainment in Relation to Psi.; Solfvin, J. & Roney-Dougal, S.M. (in press) Meditation and ESP: A Study of Experienced Vs Novice Meditators, ICTW, India.