Abstract/Results: | ABSTRACT:
Research on memory conformity shows that social remembering can influence people's memories. In fact,
our memory is not as accurate as we thought. There are several factors that can distort our memory: stimuli
association effects; interference; imagination; guessing processes; retrieval mechanisms; individual differences; and social constraints. In our study we decided to study social constrains, particularly, the influence of other’s testimony in our memory traces.
Our participants, young adults, were involved in a social influence procedure (based on Asch’s paradigm). In the encoding phase we presented a scene of a car accident and after a short retrieval interval the participants answered some questions about the scene they just viewed. The situation involved three participants each time (two of them were experimenters confederates and the other was a naïve participant). The naïve participant answered the questions related to the car accident scene after the other two, and the main experimental manipulation was that: for some of the questions the confederates gave answers that are clearly wrong (e.g., the colour of the cars was white but they answered pale yellow).
After one week the participant returned to the laboratory and individually filled a questionnaire about the scene previously seen – the retrieval phase.
Results showed that at the retrieval phase: (1) the conformist situation produces less accurate memory, that is, the capacity to recall details decreased; (2) the memory for the wrong answers done by the confederates produced a large interference on the participants memory; (3) subjects that believe to be more influenced by others are more susceptible to alter their memory traces.
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(2005, 31 de Agosto a 3 de Setembro). False memories and time to answer: Correctness, episodic access and
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