Reference code: | PT/FB/BL-2006-196.02 |
Location: | Arquivo PCA - Pasta 5/2006
| Effect of the comprehensive Art of Living yogic breathing programme on the physiological and psychological well-being
Publication year: | 2010
Abstract/Results: | ABSTRACT:
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the AOL yogic breathing program1-7 on the physiological and psychological well-being of healthy volunteers and to determine significantly changed markers in order to use them in subsequent studies. Both, experimental and control groups consisted of 40 healthy volonteers.
Comprehensive program consisting of yogic postures, unique breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and stress management has been applied. Effect was measured by; a) physiological parameters – metabolic, inflammatory, oxido-reductive and stress status, as well as cardiovascular and autonomic system parameters, and b) psychological parameters - general health status, satisfaction with life, quality of life, self-esteem, emotional status, anxiety and neuroticism. The study included pre-post test design with wait-listed control group. Intervention group participated in the initial 6 day course, with regular daily home practice and weekly follow-ups for a period of 3 months.
Results of this study show: a) psychological parameters - significant decrease in anxiety and negative emotions, significant increase of positive emotions, increase in self-esteem and overall satisfaction with life. Health self-estimate shows that after the course participants exibit better social functioning, smaller emotional barriers regarding everyday challanges, increased health self-estimate, better mental health and vitality; b) physiological parameters – significant decrease of total and LDL cholesterol, and slight increase of cortisol were measured immediately after the course. Statistically significant decrease of total cholesterol and diastolic pressure, and slight increase of super oxide bismutase and C-reactive protein were measured 3 months after the course. Most significant changes were measured for spirometric parameters pointing to improved pulmonary function.
The changes of psychological parameters were most prominent immediately after the course, while changes in physiological parameters show slower trend. Significant improvement in psychological parameters decrease with the time showing the need for regular practice of the AOL program to keep positive changes initiated during the workshop. Physiological parameters show smaller changes that are additionally shielded by the large deviations of biomedical parameters. In order to improve statistical power for studied physiological parameters, larger number of subjects should be included.
Accessibility: | Document does not exist in file
| eng
| Kostrun, S.
Secondary author(s):
| Svenda, I., Kordic, S., Saatvcioglu, F., Tadic, H., Aleksandra, H.
Document type:
| Conference abstract
Number of reproductions:
| 1
| Kostrun, S., Svenda, I., Kordic, S., Saatvcioglu, F., Tadic, H., & Aleksandra, H. (2010). Effect of the comprehensive Art of Living yogic breathing programme on the physiological and psychological well-being. In Aquém e além do cérebro. Behind and beyond the brain. Proceedings of the 8th Symposium of Fundação Bial (pp. 247-248). Porto: Fundação Bial.
Indexed document: | No
Keywords: | Art of living program / Breathing techniques / Stress release
Effect of the comprehensive Art of Living yogic breathing programme on the physiological and psychological well-being |