Abstract/Results: | ABSTRACT:
According to Cognitive Psychology, Beliefs About Appearance are important for a diversity of body image related clinical conditions (e.g., eating disorders, sexual dysfunctions). The current work presents a validation process of the 20 item, four dimension, Beliefs About Appearance Scale (BAAS-Spangle & Stice, 2001) in a community sample. Firstly we conducted a CFA in the total sample (N=378) to test the original structure and the results did not reveal a good fit for the data (x2/gl= 4,827; CFI=,815; TLI= ,793; RMSEA= ,109; SRMR= ,0687). Therefore we divide the sample in two subsamples (1 and 2). Firstly we conducted a AFE with Varimax rotation (n= 197- Sample 1) that revealed a three factor solution (Factor 1 related to attributions and expectations based on appearance- a= ,854; Factor 2 related to emotional impact of own appearance- a= ,806; and Factor 3 related to interpersonal impact of own appearance- a= ,706) retaining 10 items. Secondly with developed a CFA to test this structure with subsample 2 (n= 181). This CFA revealed a good fit for the data (x2/gl= 1,364; CFI=,985; TLI= ,979; RMSEA= ,048; SRMR= ,043). All Factors (F1,F 2 and F3) presented acceptable values of convergent validity with the subscale Global Body Dissatisfaction of the Body Attitudes Test (Probst, Vandereycken, Van Coppenolle, &. Vanderlinden, 1995) and divergent validity with the Sexual Pleasure Scale (Sanchez, Crocker & Boike, 2005). As for its predictive validity F1 predicts a single item on body dissatisfaction (R2=.20); F2 predicts self-reported BMI (R2=.5), F 1 e F2 predict body appearance cognitive distraction during sexual activity (R2=.28) and F3 did not predict any of the variables considered in the current study. We only found Gender differences in F2. The results indicate that a short version of the BAAS has good psychometric properties in a Portuguese community sample.
| Pascoal, P., Nobre, P., & Alvarez, M.-J. (2015, August). Psychometric study of the Beliefs About Appearance Scale (BAAS) in a Portuguese sample. Poster presented at the 45th Annual European Association Behavioural Cognitive Therapy Meeting. Jerusalem. Abstract available at https://isas.conference-services.net/reports/template/onetextabstract.xml?xsl=template/onetextabstract.xsl&conferenceID=4313&abstractID=918971